Previous Award Winners

2023 Award Winners
Thoughtful Leader Award
Chad Oliveiri, eCRNL
Dan Sweeney, SCLVP
Jim Morris, eCRNL
Culture of Belonging Award
Apikanya McCarty, LIBR
C.J. Burnett, AAD
Garry Gale, SCLCH
Mission-Possible Award
Andrea Haenlin-Mott, FCS
Anton Ochoa, SCLCH
Rachel Abbott, CVM
Game-Changer Award
Calyn Fisher, JCB
Julie Edwards, SCLCH
Rob Scott, VPELGA
One Cornell Award
Cornell Academic Materials Program (CAMP) Advisory Committee
Amy Gaulke, Amy Godert, Becky Maxson, Benjamin Stein, Brian Kay, Brian Young, Casey Washburn, Dan Sweeney, Ed Dormady, Elizabeth Hayes, Emily Nester, Eric Lavin, Eve DeRosa, James Best, Jane McClellan, Joshua Smith, Karen Brown, Lisa Clark, Marla Love, Martyn Beeny, Matthew Bell, Michael Ramsey, Shannon Austic, Wendy Wilcox
Office of Global Learning - International Services Team
Adam B. Blakeslee, Asha Sanaker, Ashley England Reedman, Brandon Lanners, Elizabeth Shedd, Hersh Sisodia, Jenny Machette, Kathy Lynch, Kimberlee Jaenson, Laura Taylor, Lauren Gabuzzi, Leigh Anne Hahn, Nicholas Ray Mahan, Scott Anthony Griffith. Scott Livingston Beemer, Tamara Heiss
Organizational Development and Effectiveness (ODE) team
Ari Mack, Dane Cruz, Deb Billups, Jennifer Fonseca, Kathryn Burkgren, Marcus Brooks, Radhika Nayak, Steve Jackson, Tanya Grove
Culture of Sustainability Award
Jessica Walker, TECH
Juliette Corazon, CAS
2022 Award Winners
Trustee Award
Ashley Wood, Veterinary Technician and Section Supervisor, CVM
Jana English, Executive Sous Chef, SHA
Peggy Matta, Clery Act Compliance Administrator and Access Control Program Administrator, DPS
Russell Weaver, Buffalo Co-Lab Director of Research, ILR
Game Changer Award
Paul Mutolo, Research Associate Sr, Research
Andrew Armitage, Program Coordinator, EN
Betsy Wiggers, Communications and Marketing Operations Specialist, ILR
Culture of Belonging Award
Helen Chandler, Assistant Director - Career Center, EN
Marianne Arcangeli, Administrative Assistant, CHE
Christine O'Brien, Assistant Director of Admissions, GM
Mission Possible
Tara Reed, MPS Coordinator, CALS
Kristin Hopkins, Director of Strategic Projects, VPUE
Sean Gnau, Web Designer, CIO
Culture of Sustainability
Melissa Banta, Facilities Coordinator, FCS
Denise Hubbard, Facilities Stock keeper, SCLFA
Kristine Mahoney, Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives and Academic Integration, CHE
Thoughtful Leader
Simeon Warner, Associate University Librarian, LIBR
Sonja Baylor, Manager for Talent Attraction and Recruitment, HR
Krysten Schuler, Assistant Research Professor, CVM
ONE Cornell
R5 Operations Team
Christopher Mott, Mark Hall, Leonard Howe, John Searle, Brian Latson, Nick Clarke
Work Life Team
Amy Layton
Michelle Artibee
Diane Bradac
Hours of Heroes Team
Shawna Alling, Alan Joffrey, Donna Wakeman, Casey Bosley, Caroline Bhakta
2021 Award Winners
Trustee Award
Hank De Leo, Accessibility Specialist, CIO - CIT Enterprise Services
Brandon Brylinsky, IT Manager, Web Accessibility Services, CIO - CIT Enterprise Services
Will Schultze, IT Service Management Specialist, CIO - CIT Communications
Alexandre Ribeiro, Custodian, Facilities Management
Katie Stevens, Veterinary Technician, CVM Hospital for Animals - Surgery
Domenick Zerilli, Multimedia Producer, eCRNL - Curriculum Development
Joan Olson, Administrator, CALS - Molecular Biology and Genetics
Cate Thompson, Director of Pre-freshmen Summer Program, VPUE
Betsy Collins, Department Manager, CAS - Mathematics
Susan Cobb, Library Administrator, LIBR
Kyle Schillace, Assistant Director of Campus Activities, SCL
Statler Hotel
Isolation and Quarantine Team:
Bridget Flanigan, Dawn Plue, Lillian Yavits, Stephanie Wright, Barbara Tucker, Mark Slattery, Jackie Rumsey, Tingna Min, Sarah Forsyth, Dianna Bennett, Chelsea Perrett, Kimberly Stowell, Cathleen LeClaire, Chelsey Woodin, Alicia Steele, Eric Blumberg, Emilee Frazier, Cheryl Avery, Wendy Dietterich, Caitlin Green, Sarah Lisak, Samantha Luszczek, April Simmons, Jamie Warner, Michele Carpenter, Katie Waters,
Thoughtful Leader Award
Rob Vanderlan, Senior Associate Director, Center for Teaching Innovation
Debra Federation, Director of Cash Management, Office of Treasurer
Jim Gibbs, Director of Facilities, Facilities Management
Culture of Belonging Award
Nishi Dhupa, Associate Vice Provost, International Affairs
Michael Gore, Professor, CALS Plant Breeding and Genetics
Beth Korson, Events Coordinator, Engineering - Civil and Environmental
Mission Possible
Brenda Pepe, Manager of student Success, eCRNL
Robert Sherwood, Research Support Specialist, Research - Biotechnology Center
Kath Fenzel, Associate Director, SCL Athletics
Game Changer
Michelle Artibee, Director of Workforce Wellbeing, HR
Ryan Schmohe, IT Support Associate, Law School
Cynthia Robinson, Administrator, Dean of Faculty
ONE Cornell
Andrew Page, M. Walters, Ryan Engels, Jeff MacDonald, Matt Gorney, Matt Gurbarg, Don Buttaccio, Michael d'Estries, Cindy Wagner
Lorin Warnick, Diego Diel, Roopa Venugopalan, Melissa Laverack, Daniel Sheehan, Scott Ross, John Beeby, Rahim Rustamov, Francois Elvinger, Rebecca Tallmadge, Kimberly Potter, Jen Powers, Mia Rowe Everts
Wendy Wolford, Brandon Lanners, Christian Shaffmaster, Christine Potter, Donna Wilcynski, Elise Gold, Gustavo Florez Macias, Rachel Beatty, Nishi Dhupa
2019 Award Winners
Trustee Awards
Kim Klein, Gardener, Facilities Management
Bruce Berggren-Thomas, Teaching Support Specialist, CALS, Animal Science
Dustin Cutler, Executive Director, Cornell Dining
Game Changer
Peter DeStefano, Director of Player Personnel, Alumni, Community and Career Programs for Varsity Football, SCLAP
Mark McHugh, Manager, Food Service Suite System, SCLCL
Gary Stewart, Associate Vice President for Community Relations, UCOMM
Carl Cornell, Undergraduate Coordinator, CAS
Aaron Jacobsen, Teaching Supp Spec II, CALS
Karen Prosser, Lead Finance Specialist, EN
Culture of Belonging
Bianca Burns, Graduate Student Services Coordinator, EN
Cheryl McGraw, Events Manager, HR
Christian Miller, ILR Research and Instruction Librarian, LIBR
Thoughtful Leader
Karene Booker, Administrator III, CALS
William Hildreth, CHP Sr. Plant Operator, FCS
Joe Rowe, Director of Administration, EN
ONE Cornell
Lisa Anderson, Cait Baldwin, Tim Blair, Karen Brown, Dustin Cutler, Sara Khozeimeh, Robert King, Kristen LoParco, Julie Paige, Fred Piccirilli, Barb Romano, Dan Sweeney
Shannon Austic, Linda Bancroft, Sharon Baum, James Best, Chris Cave, Robert Ervin, Matt Knight, Jody Marnell, Jane McClellan, Fred Piccirilli, Don Sevey, Cathy Steding, Kim Yeoh
Sue Brightly, Jennifer Coningsby, Linda Croll-Howell, Shannon David, Tim Fitzpatrick, Rebecca Jean Tucker, Camile Lee, Camaron Mangham, Amy Parmley, Lucy Pola, Theresa Rapacki, Jamie Washburn
2018 Award Winners
Game Changer Awardee:
Brooke Hollis
Associate Director, Sloan Program/Executive Director Healthy Futures
Matthew Johnson
Administrative Manager
Adi Grabiner Keinan
Lecturer and Director
Culture of Belonging:
Brandon Senior
Student Svc Assoc II
Catherine Thrasher-Carroll
Health Educator II
Lauren Morgenstern
Associate Director, Class Prog
Thoughtful Leader:
Kerry Howell
Asst. Dir, CU Wellness Program
Rob Michaels
Associate Director of Network & Systems Services
Suzanne Cohen
Collection Development Coordinator, Catherwood Library
Mission Possible Awardee:
Lauran Jacoby
Sr. Consulant, Staff & Labor Relations
Rachael Lynch
Clinical Administrative Assistant
Ellen Miller
Administrative Assistant IV
ONE Cornell Awardee
Workday Time Tracking
Amy Beckhorn: Workday Time Tracking Lead
Allan Bishop: AVP for Human Resources
Seth Brahler: Senior Director of HRIS
Dana Burton: Sr. HR Associate
Melanie Ciotoli: Director Human Resources, Student and Campus Life
Sid Cuff: HRIS Integrations and Data Delivery Lead
Karen Darling: Configuration Consultant
Kelly Donnelly: Accounts Rep IV
Lauren Free: HRIS Project Consultant
Dane Hendrix: Systems Security Consultant
Karen Husick: Workday Payroll Applications Manager
Lauran Jacoby: Sr. Consul., Staff & Labor Relations
Mary Beth Jordan: Director of Human Resources
Brandy Lobdell: Applications Sys Analyst II
Cathy Morris: Project Test Coordinator
Chris O'Brien: Workday Project Manager
Donna-Marie Parker: Human Resources Director for Facilities and Campus Services
Amy Parmley: Assistant Director HRIS, Training/Communication Lead
Michele Reichert: Financial Analytics Specialist
Bill Sibert: University Controller
Leora Snowberger: Manager of Payroll Operations and Labor Distribution
Tom Theimer: Project Manager for OIT/CIT
Phil Turke: Director of Payroll
Bob Wakeman: Labor Relations, EEO, and UI Specialist
Heather Wiese: Payroll Customer Service/Payroll Support
Mindy Ziembiec: SA Testing & Training Coordinator
Soup and Hope Planning Committee
Jennifer Austin: Communications Specialist III
Karen Brigham: Physical Therapist Assistant
Tracey Brant: Teaching Support Spec IV
Kelly Chan: Instructional Tech Asst.
Nancy Doolittle: Pawprint Editor
Linda Falkson: Director, Ombudsman's Office
Janelle Hanson: Admin Assistant for Spirituality & Meaning Making
Daniel McMullin: Director of CURW: Associate Dean of Students, Spirituality and Meaning Making
Linda Mikula: Manager, Event Communications
Janet Shortall: Associate Dean of Students, Interim Director of Care and Crisis Services
Karen Williams: Counselor Therapist II
Victor Younger: Director of Diversity and Inclusion
Cornell Catering and Concessions
Alan Lee Edwards, III: SO04 Cook
Allyson M. Landon: SO06 Cook
Brad Stock: Banquet Manager
Carlos Porras: Event Coordinator
David Komaromi: SO04 Cook
Deanna Stockton Nolan: Event & Concessions Sales Assistant
Desiree Leann Phillips: Concessions & Suites Supervisor
Dustin Freeley: Sales Manger
Eileen Gibson: Senior Sales Manager
Eric Zimmer: SO06 Material Handler
Evan Fabrizio: Concessions & Suites Manager
Fred Ennis: SO05 Material Handler
Je Souther: Banquet Captain
Jessica N. Higgins: SO04 Cook
Joe Colunio: McCormicks Floor Supervisor
Kiersten Collette Perkins: Sales Assistant
Letty Andrade: Sous Chef-Catering
Margaret Bruns: Restaurant & Catering Manager
Marie Robison: Sales Assistant
Mary Beth Kohena: SO07 Material Handler
Maurice Choo: SO06 Cook
Max Mandeville: Event Coordinator
Paul C. Hornbrook: SO08 Cook
Phurbu Tashi: SO02 Cook
Sally G. Blinn: Assistant Event Lead
Tait R. Alling: SO06 Cook
Taryn Mullinex: Banquet Captain
Thomas Stadnicki: SO05 Material Handler
Timothy Oltz: Catering Chef
2017 Award Winners
“Far Above Cayuga’s Waters” winner:
Graig Lyon
Assistant Equipment Manager, Schoellkopf Hall
Award for Excellence in Innovation winners:
Janna Dawn
Associate Director of Summer College, School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions
Cornell Woodson
Lead for Diversity and Inclusion Programs, Department of Inclusion and Workforce Diversity
Jan Vink
Extension Associate for Policy Analysis and Management, College of Human Ecology
Award for Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion winners:
Marta Guzman Cotto
Counselor for the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, Cornell Health
Vivian Relta
Associate Director, Cornell Interactive Theatre Ensemble
Gary Stewart
Associate Vice President for Community Relations
Individual Excellence Award winners:
Bert Adams-Kucik
Director of Fitness Programs, Physical Education and Recreation Services
Julie Parsons
Events Coordinator, Facilities Management
Sue Brightly
Communications Marketing Specialist, Human Resources
Management Excellence Award winners:
Keeley Boerman
Department Manager for German Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Eileen Grabosky
Director of Administration, Department of Information Science
Carol Merkur
Director of Business Operations, Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine

2016 Award Winners
Individual Excellence Award winners:
Dick Clark
Facilities Manager, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Vince Kotmel
Physics Undergraduate Lab Manager
Management Excellence Award winners:
Holly Potter
On-Campus Recruiting and Corporate Client Services Manager, Johnson Graduate School
Rob Van Brunt
Administrative Manager, Department of Romance Studies
President’s Award for Innovation in Diversity and Inclusion winner:
Marc Magnus-Sharpe
Lindseth Director of Cornell Outdoor Education
President’s Award for Excellence “Far Above Cayuga’s Waters” winner:
Lisa Yager
Executive Staff Assistant, President's Office
2015 Award Winners
Individual Award winners
Jason Allen
Assistant Dean, Fraternities, Sororities & Independent Living, Dean of Students
Michelle Artibee
Program Manager, Work & Family Programs, HRSS
Management Award winners:
Marianne Marsh
Administrative Director, English, College of Arts & Sciences
Nancy Weislogel
Executive Director, Online Learning & Collaborative Programs for the Associate Dean of Academic Programs, School of Hotel Administration
President’s Award for Excellence winner:
Saundra Anderson
Administrative Assistant, Neurobiology & Behavior, College of Arts & Sciences
2014 Award Winners
Individual Award winners
Joseph Ebel
Manager of Technical Services, Animal Health Diagnostic Center
Lindsay Jones Hansen
Residence hall director, Residential Programs
Management Award winners:
William Gilligan
Mathematics department, College of Arts and Sciences
Dorothy Vanderbilt
Philosophy department, College of Arts and Sciences
President’s Award for Excellence winner:
Sarah Miller
Veterinary technician, Cornell University Hospital for Animals
2013 Award Winners
Individual Award winners
Jennifer C. Harris
Human Resource Generalist III, College of Agriculture & Life Science HR, Lab of Ornithology
Jami Joyner
Student Service Associate II, Diversity Programs in Engineering
Management Award winners:
Joseph M. Lalley
Senior Director Facilities, Facilities Operations
Rebecca S. Weger
Director of Prospect Development, Alumni Affairs and Development
President’s Award for Excellence winner:
Tracy L. Holdridge
Administrator III, Plan Pathology & Plant-Microbe Biology