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Personal Accident Insurance

Asian family with two children posing outdoors

Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) can provide additional financial security in the event of an accident.

Our personal accident insurance is offered through New York Life Group Benefit Solutions for you, your spouse or domestic partner, and your eligible child(ren). 

For more information about PAI see pages 19-30:

New York Life Group Benefit Solutions Guide

Questions: contact NYL GBS Customer Service Center at 800-231-1193, email sends email) or visit

*If you are uncertain of your eligibility status for this benefit, please contact your HR representative.

The monthly rate per $1,000 of coverage is $0.02 for an employee, $0.02 for a spouse/domestic partner and $.02 for children.

  • You may elect coverage in $10,000 increments from $10,000 up to $250,000.The Plan also allows $10,000 increments between $250,000 and $500,000, but an election in this range cannot exceed ten times the employee's annualized salary.
  • Your spouse/domestic partner may elect 100% or 50% of your election up to $250,000.
  • You may cover your dependent child(ren) by an amount equal to 10% of your amount up to $25,000. Coverage is available for unmarried children up to age 19, or 24 if they are a full-time college student. It is your responsibility to notify New York Life Group Benefit Solutions when your child is no longer eligible.

You can enroll in personal accident insurance at any time.

Login to Workday, and click “Benefits” – “Life Insurance & Personal Accident (PAI) Active” to enter the Cornell portal on the New York Life Group Benefit Solutions website. Scroll down and click the “Tell Me More” button, then follow the prompts.

New Hires

After completing your benefits enrollment in Workday, it may take up to two weeks to receive access to New York Life's Group Benefit Solutions site. If you cannot access the site to enroll in PAI or to designate your life insurance beneficiary(ies), please complete this paper form and mail or fax it to New York Life Group Benefit Solutions.   

Login to Workday, and click “Benefits” – “Life Insurance & Personal Accident (PAI) Active” to enter the Cornell portal on the New York Life Group Benefit Solutions website.

Once you're logged into the site, click “My Account” in the top right corner to review your current policy information, premiums, and beneficiary detail.

Note: If you no longer have eligible children, you must contact New York Life Group Benefit Solutions to cancel the policy, and discuss any applicable refund.

While every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of this Summary, in the event of any discrepancy the Summary Plan Description and Plan Document will prevail.