Browse Self Service
Marriage or Domestic Partnership
A checklist for changes and updates you may wish to make to your benefits if you're getting married or entering a domestic partnership. What To Know Cornell’s benefits extend to an employee…
Address Change
What to do if you have a new mailing address. What To Know Endowed Employees Change your address in Workday which will automatically update: Cornell payroll, taxes, mailings …
Name Change
If you've changed your name, update Workday and other locations. What To Know: Changing Legal Name: Your Legal Name must match exactly how your name is listed on your Social Security card…
Divorce and Separation
A checklist for changes and updates you may need to make if you're getting divorced, legally separated, or ending a domestic partnership. Help is available: Divorce or separation can be a…
Birth & Adoption
Start here if you're having a baby, adopting, or becoming a legal guardian.What To KnowHaving a baby, adopting, or becoming a legal guardian is considered a qualifying event, which allows you to make…
Spouse/Partner/Child Gains or Loses Healthcare Coverage
If your spouse, domestic partner, or dependent child gains or loses healthcare coverage, you will be able to make changes to your healthcare benefits outside of the annual open enrollment period. …
Request A Flexible Work Arrangement
What to know about requesting remote work and alternative scheduling options.How To Request A Flexible Work ArrangementKnow The BasicsBefore you go to your manager, take a few moments to familiarize…
Crisis Support
When crisis strikes, there is help for you at Cornell. Start here to find the resources you need.What To Know:If you're experiencing a personal crisis, get help. If you're in an emergency situation,…
Navigating Health Challenges
Resources to support you and your family as you manage health conditions and/or crisis. Please note: We have made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of this content. However, the most…
Find Your HR Rep
If you are not a current Cornell employee or have a general question for human resources, see the HR Services Directory.Who should I contact?HR Representative: Departmental hiring or…
Contact Benefits Providers
Information to contact benefits providers directly.Health Care PlansYour health plan providers are a great first point of contact for questions related to coverage. Endowed ProvidersClick here…
Employment Verification
How to obtain verification of your employment at Cornell University.What To Know:You may need to provide proof of employment if you are applying for a loan to buy a car or house, etc.The Division of…
Navigating Personal Finances and Debt
Resources to support you and your family as you manage personal financial challenges. What To KnowFinancial stress can take a toll on your health, performance at work, and…
Domestic Violence Resources
Help if you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence.What To Know:October is Domestic Violence Awareness MonthLearn about ways Cornell takes a stand against domestic violence.Domestic…
How To Request a Religious Accommodation
What to do if you need to take time away from work or request other accommodations due to religious belief. What To Know Religious accommodation is the process in which employees and…
How To Use The Appreciation Portal
Help us support a culture of appreciation at Cornell! What To Know The Appreciation Portal is an online app that's integrated with Workday, so that you can send a message of appreciation or…
Apply for the Cornell Children's Tuition Scholarship
What to Know The Cornell Children's Tuition Scholarship (CCTS) program has been assisting employees' children in reaching their higher education goals since 1966. CCTS provides the children of…
Find Wellbeing Resources
You’re at your best when your physical, mental, and emotional needs are being met. Use this guide to find resources at Cornell to support all the dimensions of your wellbeing.Download the…
ID Cards
Important information for faculty, staff (including temporary employees) and retirees about your Cornell ID card, including how to request a card or receive a replacement if it's lost or damaged. …
Leaving Cornell
Guidance about what to do when ending your employment at Cornell. What To Know: Managers See Exit Procedures in the People Leaders Resources website. Cornell appreciates the…