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Find Wellbeing Resources

multicolored circular diagram "Employee Wellbeing at Cornell" incorporating icons for mental, relationships, physical, cultural, environmental, occupational, financial.


You’re at your best when your physical, mental, and emotional needs are being met. Use this guide to find resources at Cornell to support all the dimensions of your wellbeing.

Download the Employee Wellbeing Resources Guide for a convenient booklet with all this information and more!


Mental Wellbeing

Resources to help you with self-awareness, hopefulness, and agility in dealing with life challenges.

Counseling & Life Coaching

Faculty and Staff Assistance Program – Free and confidential, brief counseling and support is available to benefits-eligible employees, retirees, and their spouse/partner.

eni Confidential Counseling Services – Employees may receive up to three visits from eni Confidential Counseling. Available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week for any issue.

Cornell Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Resources & Support - Cornell University is committed to providing resources to employees who are victims of domestic violence.

Caregiver Support & Education Network - Cornell employees caring for an adult family member, spouse, or friend are invited to join the monthly meetings.

Cornell Office of Spirituality and Meaning Making - offers programs of worship, study, and social life, as well as opportunities to engage in interfaith dialogue.

Body Positive  - A peer education initiative community that fosters body acceptance.  People of all genders, sexes, and bodies welcome.

Ithaca Transgender Group - Cornell’s LGBT Center, Ithaca College’s LGBT Center, and Out for Health jointly support a transgender support group for people in the Ithaca area. The group is a confidential, peer-led support group. If you identify as transgender, gender-queer, or fall anywhere along the gender spectrum, you’re welcome!

Soup & Hope - Dozens of Soup & Hope speakers have touched, inspired, motivated, and stirred the hearts of those who gather during the winter months at Sage Chapel.  

Meditation & Relaxation

Let’s Meditate Program - A free, guided, mindfulness meditation series sponsored by Cornell Health, in collaboration with numerous campus partners.

Restorative spaces - Take the time to replenish your spirits or recharge by visiting one of the restorative spaces on campus.

Cornell Botanic Gardens - Take a walk and explore - get some fresh air and breathe and enjoy the beautiful gardens.

Nature RX @Cornell - This growing movement is based on the premise that time spent in nature is therapeutic and contributes to personal wellbeing.

Self-Care Resources

Taking Time Off – See options and resources for vacation, holidays, personal time off, caregiving, and leaves of absence

Religious Accommodations - Cornell University has an enduring commitment to supporting equality of employment and educational opportunity by affirming the values of diversity and inclusiveness, including embracing religious diversity.

Flexible Work Arrangements - Cornell offers a variety of flexible work arrangements to support the wellbeing of our employees.  Although not all positions can take advantage of these arrangements,  often other types of flexibility can be integrated into the workplace.

Confidential Resources

Cornell Ombuds Office -  The Ombuds Office offers a safe place where Cornell students and employees can speak confidentially about an issue or a conflict and obtain guidance.

Cornell Victim Advocate - The university’s Victim Advocacy Program provides assistance to members of the Cornell community who are victims of harmful, threatening, or violent incidents.


Relationship Wellbeing

Resources to help you cultivate relationships and care for adults, children, and animals in your family, at work, and in the community.

Connect at Work

Coworker Coffee - Get introduced to a random Cornell employee every month for a brief virtual chat!

Colleague Network Groups  - The university sponsors Colleague Network Groups (CNGs) as a way for traditionally underrepresented minorities and their allies to find support, both at Cornell and beyond.

Volunteer Opportunities - Take advantage of the numerous opportunities to socialize, network with, and support the extraordinary people who make up the Cornell community.

Cornell Retirees Programs - Keep your professional connection to Cornell vibrant once you retire!  Offers many activities and networking events -  membership is voluntary, and there are no annual dues.

Employee Celebrations  - These popular events feature athletic competitions, a Cornell community meal, and additional family-oriented activities.  Open to Cornell staff, faculty, retirees, and their families.

Stay connected with Cornell on social media and via e-Lists to stay informed about all the latest campus news and conversations.


General Resources

Cornell offers support including pregnancy and parenting workshops, and resources to help with adoption, child care, breastfeeding, and more.

Cornell Work/Life: Work/Life is available to help employees navigate a variety of family life needs and concerns - including child care. Consultations can occur via phone, virtual meeting, or email!

Cornell Parent Newsletter -  This monthly newsletter distributed by Work/Life in Human Resources shares information about family-friendly events, workshops, and activities sponsored by Cornell.

Cornell Parental Leave and Tenure Clock Stop for Academics - Cornell University is committed to helping faculty and staff members balance work life and family life responsibilities through several leave policies.

School Closing e-List - An informational e-list that alerts parents of local school closings.

Financial Support

Looking for financial support to help offset childcare costs?   Cornell offers several programs to assist you:

Pregnancy, Lactation, Infancy

Cornell provides a multitude of resources for expecting parents:

Child Care

Find child care options that suit your needs:

Programs for School-Age Children

Check out the assorted programs offered for school-age children, both during school breaks and after school:

College-Age Children

Planning to finance your child's college education can be a daunting experience.  Cornell provides two programs that can help:

Annual Events

Check out these annual family-friendly events on campus:

Elders & Adults

Cornell Work/Life: Work/Life is available to help employees navigate a variety of family life needs and concerns - including child care. Consultations can occur via phone, virtual meeting, or email!

Workshops and Support Group Meetings - Caregivers come together to share the challenges, joys, and resources as well as listen to occasional speakers presenting on topics of interest geared specifically to caregivers. 

Care@Work Membership - Find care for loved ones using a Cornell-sponsored membership account.

New York State Paid Family Leave -  Paid leave for eligible non-academic staff members to care for a family member with a serious health condition.

Dependent Care Spending Account - Expenses incurred for dependent care services that allow you and your spouse to work are eligible for reimbursement under the Dependent Care Reimbursement Account.

Faculty Dependent Care Travel Fund - This fund helps alleviate the financial burden of dependent care incurred by single caretakers or dual-career couples who often incur dependent care costs above and beyond daily expenses.

Long Term Care Insurance - Long-term care insurance covers the costs associated with extended long-term care due to a chronic disease or long-lasting disability.

Healthy Living Program - Cornell Wellness offers opportunities for physical fitness and social experiences that are appropriate for every size, shape, age, and ability.


The Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine offers many services, educational resources, and events to animal lovers, including:

  • Cornell Hospital for Animals offers a discount on veterinary medical care conveniently provided on campus (present Cornell ID card for the discount at appointment). Ambulatory visits, pharmacy, diagnostic laboratory, and clinical pathology charges are not eligible for the discount.
  • Pet CPR classes are offered online.
  • Feline Health Resources - A variety of articles, brochures, and videos online for anyone concerned with cat health and behavior.
  • Cornell Companions is a volunteer pet visitation program sponsored by the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Mary George Opperman Veterinary Patient Assistance Fund - In the spirit of her unwavering support of Cornell employees and families and her love of animals, the Mary George Opperman Veterinary Patient Assistance Fund has been established in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Funds will go to the care of animals owned by current and retired Cornell staff who may need financial assistance.

Mercer Voluntary Benefits - Set up pet insurance through Nationwide - insurance covers dogs, cats, birds, and exotic pets and works through the reimbursement of expenses.

Care@Work - Use your Cornell Membership to find pet sitters and dog walkers.

Cornell's policy regarding pets on campus.

Relationship Resources

Faculty and Staff Assistance Program - Free, confidential counseling for spouses/partners of benefits-eligible employees.

Cornell Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Resources & Support - Cornell University is committed to providing resources to employees who are victims of domestic violence.   Find them here.

Volunteer - Employees can find ways to volunteer that fit their life, interests, and connections to Cornell.

Cornell Campus Club for Women  - Offers an array of special interest groups for hobbies and networking as well as annual events.


Physical Wellbeing

Resources to help you maintain good health through medical care, diet, exercise, and rest.

General Physical Wellbeing

Health/Vision and Dental Care Plans - Cornell’s health plans (which include health insurance, dental and vision insurance, and prescription drug coverage) provide quality care options focused on preventative health care and treatment. 

Cornell Health  - select services offered to faculty and staff, including:

Cornell Wellness  - offers a variety of services and educational opportunities in the areas of fitness, nutrition, and general health programs, including:

Exercise & Recreation

Cornell Wellness Recreation Membership, open to open to staff, faculty,  and their spouses/partners, and includes perks such as:

  • Group fitness classes and fitness facility use
  • Free lap swimming, ice skating at Lynah Rink, equipment rentals and more
  • Reduced fees at Merrill Sailing Center, Reis Tennis Center, Lindseth Climbing Wall

Walking maps - explore all the beautiful areas of campus.

On-Campus recreation:

Food & Diet

Meal Choice Program by Cornell Dining –  Convenient, cash-free access to Cornell Dining's award-winning eateries, campus vending machines with card readers, and Ithaca-area restaurants participating in City Bucks for Cornell employees (employee ID needed).  10% discount at food retail locations on campus.

East Hill Farmer’s Market and Ag Quad Farmer’s Market - check out local produce and fare at these convenient campus locations!

Cornell Food Pantry  - Free, confidential access to food and personal care items is available to Cornell undergraduate and graduate students, as well as Cornell staff and faculty.  Cornell Food Pantry continues to maintain its regular operating hours. They will be closed for spring break, and then resume regular hours on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 (Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-7 pm, Wednesdays and Fridays 10 am-1 pm, and Sundays 12-3 pm).

Anabel's Grocery - on-campus student-run grocery store.

Health Challenges

Navigating Health Challenges - Cornell-specific resource guide for support with challenges such as cancer, mental health, substance abuse, work scheduling, caregiving, and finances.

Flexible work arrangements: Cornell offers a variety of flexible work arrangements to support the wellbeing of our employees.  Although not all positions can take advantage of these arrangements,  often other types of flexibility can be integrated into the workplace.

Tobacco Cessation Support:  Looking for some assistance quitting cigarettes, chew or vaping? Cornell Wellness offers no-cost individual tobacco/smoking cessation sessions that are designed to help you prepare to quit the habit.

Safety Matters

Cornell Police – Crime Prevention, Workplace Safety - (call 5-1111 from a campus telephone, or 911) - Cornell Police Department operates 24 hours/day, 365 days/year. It is the primary emergency response agency for campus and offers various safety services for the community.

Domestic violence and sexual violence resources -  Cornell University is committed to providing resources to employees who are victims of domestic violence.

Discrimination, Harassment, and Bias - Anyone who directly witnesses or experiences bias activity (or finds evidence of or hears about past bias activity) on the Cornell campus or in an area that impacts the Cornell community should report it immediately.

Emergency Mass Notifications - Cornell utilizes an Emergency Mass Notification system (voice, email, text, siren, etc) to alert campus of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of the University community.

Weather Emergencies - Adverse weather conditions can be challenging in our area.   Condition updates such as delayed university openings/closings as well as road closings are available at this site.

Gorge Safety - Learn about practicing safety at all times when hiking or using the trails on the two gorges that run through Cornell's campus.

Musculoskeletal Injury Prevent Program / Ergonomic Space Recommendations - Ergonomics assessment, training, and planning services are available to the university community free of charge.  

Environmental Health and Safety  - Environmental Health and Safety provides training and guidance in laboratory safety, occupational safety, environmental compliance, fire safety, event safety, and emergency preparedness and response.


Trans Inclusion at Cornell – Cornell is committed to creating a safe and respectful campus for all members of the community, including those of all gender identities and expression. Contact health insurance provider for coverage options related to transgender medical care.

Disability/Accessibility Resources - Providing an accessible, usable and welcoming environment for faculty, staff, students and visitors with disabilities.

Workplace accommodations - Employees with a qualified disability who need assistance to complete their work can apply for a disability accommodation.

Red Runner Campus Transportation - Cornell will provide FREE door-to-door transportation via Red Runner for staff and faculty with disabilities who are participating in university-related activities or taking advantage of the benefits of employment at Cornell.

Disability Colleague Network Group - Raises awareness, provides educational resources and support, and offers peer mentorship for faculty and staff working with short-term or long-term disabilities, their supervisors, colleagues, allies, and other supporters.


Cultural Wellbeing

Resources to help you engage with and feel supported by your home and work communities.

Support for Diverse Communities

Colleague Network Groups (CNGs) help historically marginalized communities find support by providing engaging programs for employees.

Diverse Living in Ithaca Guide (pdf):  Cornell-produced guide featuring resources that may interest diverse faculty and staff.

Accessibility Resources - Cornell is committed to diversity and inclusiveness with the goal of providing an accessible, usable and welcoming environment for faculty, staff, students and visitors with disabilities.

Veterans and Military Personnel - We are a veteran-friendly employer that provides a supportive and caring environment for individuals building on the skills and experiences of military service while pursuing aspirations.

LGBTQ+ Faculty & Staff - Cornell strives to provide a safe and inclusive work environment for the LGBTQ community.

Cornell LGBTQ+ Resource Guide for Faculty & Staff - this guide from the Office of Faculty Development and Diversity and the Cornell LGBT Resource Center,  offers best practices for classroom and colleague engagement, help to navigate benefits and policies, resources, glossary, and historical context at Cornell.

Trans & Trans Inclusion Resources  - Creating a safe and respectful campus for all members of our community including those of all gender identities and expression.

Restroom Use & Facility Guidelines - In keeping with principles of nondiscrimination and inclusion, students, staff, faculty, and visitors are invited to use restrooms and facilities corresponding to their gender identity.

Cornell United Religious Work - Provides programs and projects that stimulate and expand the religious imagination of Cornell students, faculty and staff.

Harassment, Discrimination, and Bias Reporting - Report concerns involving any questionable activity or if you are concerned about someone's wellbeing.

Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action - Information on Cornell's Affirmative Action compliance.

Continuing Education

Inclusive Excellence Academy - The Inclusive Excellence Network (IEN) is a collection of programs designed to engage Cornell staff in action-oriented discussions, self-reflection, and productive discourse around topics that impact the workplace.

Soup & Hope Lecture Series - Presented in the winter months, Soup & Hope offers inspiring talks from Cornell community members.

For Faculty

Office of Faculty Development and Diversity - Provides a range of resources, including training and support for deans, department chairs and individual faculty members, in the areas of faculty development and diversity.

Center for Teaching Innovation - Explore teaching ideas that create an inclusive environment where students feel a sense of belongingness.


Volunteer - Employees can find ways to volunteer that fit their life and interests and make new connections.

Multicultural cooking videos - Cooking With Wellness is a series of videos, many short and easy to follow, covering a variety of cooking topics, presented by Cornell Wellness staff.

Cornell Campus Club for Women - Offers an array of special interest groups for hobbies and networking as well as annual events.

First Fridays of Ithaca - A social networking event for diverse professionals and faculty of Central New York! Connect with people from Ithaca, Cortland, Elmira, Corning, Binghamton, Syracuse, Rochester, and more.  


Environmental Wellbeing

Resources to help you make an impact on the quality of your work and home environments, community, and the world where we all live.

Actions To Make A Difference

​​Sustainability Programs

Want to become more sustainable?  Need ideas about where to start?  Check out some of Cornell's initiatives:

Get Involved

Little changes make a big impact.  Get involved at home and on campus in a variety of ways:

Environmental Resources

Commuter Services - Transportation Services provides access to several support services to ensure that faculty, staff, and students can make it to campus—and back home again.

Cornell Sustainable Campus Resources - Everyone plays a role in creating a sustainable campus, community, and world. Get started on the path to sustainability.

Cornell Botanic Gardens - Beautiful walking paths, educational programs, classes, and more.

NatureRx @Cornell - This growing movement is based on the premise of that time spent in nature is therapeutic and contributes to personal wellbeing. Explore Cornell’s beautiful natural areas!  

Cornell Cooperative Extension - Offers educational programming and services to support sustainability and environmental wellbeing.  Visit your county information at:

Flexible Work Arrangements - Integrate the use of workplace flexibility to reduce carbon emissions and save on gas costs.

Cornell Wellness - Offers environmentally-conscious cooking demos and events.

Work Environment

Environmental Health and Safety - Environmental Health and Safety is dedicated to preserving the health, safety, and environment of the Cornell community.

Take care of your reproductive health when you are at work.

Flexibility in the Workplace - Flexible work arrangements, such as remote work and compressed schedules, can reduce an individual’s carbon footprint and support the university’s sustainability goals. Cornell encourages a culture of flexibility that is aligned to the department and individual needs. Consultations available. 

Virtual Meeting Options and Resources  -  Zoom is a web and video conferencing service that provides the ability to have virtual meetings and host and participate in webinars. Featuring polling, breakout rooms, and a wide variety of audio options, Zoom is provided free of charge to all employees.

Staff Sustainability Champions  -  Champions exemplify Cornell’s commitment to sustainability by showing leadership or initiative to catalyze sustainable change with actions big and small. Any staff member, at any level of the university, can be nominated and recognized. 


Occupational Wellbeing

Resources to help you experience intellectual stimulation and career fulfillment while effectively managing your personal life goals.


New Hires: Big Red Welcome

The Big Red Welcome is a voluntary program for recent hires of the university. Participants receive information and resources to enhance their employee experience.  Sign Up Here!

Career Planning

Flexible Work

Flexible work arrangements - Cornell encourages a culture of flexibility that is aligned to the department and individual needs.

Gig Opportunities

Gigs - Posted in Workday, “Gigs” are short-term, defined projects available to Cornell employees that support on the job experiences. Gigs are a great way to energize your career and expand your skills! 


Professional Development

Cornell’s Skills for Success - Learn about the skills that will help you succeed at Cornell.

Performance Management Process - Cornell's crucial tool to maximize staff engagement, performance, and development.

Mentoring and Coaching - Working at Cornell offers you the opportunity to network with a world-class community of thriving and passionate colleagues -- many of whom are ready and happy to help you!

Resources for Leaders - Information designed to assist faculty and staff in their recruitment, performance management, and leadership responsibilities.


Training -  Find opportunities to develop your skillset, grow your career and learn to lead more effectively.

LinkedIn Learning & Skillsoft - Free, self-directed online learning - learn at your own pace and convenience.


Workday Learning - Search and enroll in Cornell professional development classes.

Education benefits available to employees:

  • Continuing Education
  • Employee Degree Program
  • Part-time Study
  • Tuition Aid
  • Community Learning and Service Partnership

eCornell: Written by Cornell University faculty, eCornell offers online courses and certificates at a discounted rate of $100 each to Cornell employees.

Involvement Opportunities

There are many ways to participate in Cornell’s shared governance structure:

Registered Student Organizations - Advise a student organization to engage with students.

Celebrating Achievements

Appreciation Portal

Supervisors and colleagues can use the Cornell Appreciation Portal to send kudos in real-time! Supervisors can also recognize their staff periodically with small tokens of appreciation in the form of points that can be redeemed through the Cornell Store or Amazon.


Employees who go above and beyond in their work may be nominated for a variety of awards, including:

  • President’s Awards for Employee Excellence
  • Constance E. Cook and Alice H. Cook Awards
  • Staff Kudos
  • Faculty Awards and Recognition
  • George Peter Award for Dedicated Service
  • Award for Staff Integrity and Inclusion
  • Partners in Sustainability Awards



Cornell provides many resources to help you plan for retirement and stay engaged once you retire.

Pre-Retirement Planning - Tools that help to clarify your current benefits as well as your options in retirement. 

Phased Retirement Program - Eligible faculty members and staff employees may choose to reduce their job duties and scheduled hours prior to retirement, to make a gradual transition before their official retirement date.

Stay Connected

Keep your professional connections vibrant, and stay connected with events, offers, and other news after you retire:

Retiree Perks & Discounts

Take advantage of the many perks and discounts available to Cornell retirees!


Financial Wellbeing

Resources to help you manage personal finances to reduce stress and build security.

Employee Benefits

Flexible Spending Accounts

Flexible Spending Accounts - Pretax savings for medical and dependent care expenses.


Retirement plans – Vendors offer online webinars/guides and TIAA and Fidelity plan representatives are available on campus for individual consultations by appointment.

New York 529 College Savings Program - Designed to help families of all income levels save for college.


Home, Auto, Legal, and Pet insurance - Purchase group auto, home, and personal property liability insurance through Mercer Voluntary Benefits.

Life Insurance - Cornell provides eligible Ithaca and Cornell Tech employees with basic life insurance at no cost.

Long Term Care Insurance - Long-term care insurance covers the costs associated with extended long-term care due to a chronic disease or long-lasting disability.

Financial Aid

Looking for financial support to help offset childcare costs or help in an emergency?   Cornell offers several programs to assist you:


Cornell Transportation Services provides both transportation programs and support services to ensure that faculty, staff, and students can make it to campus—and back home again—with relative ease. Some services are available through our community partners. Please Contact Us with questions about the services listed.   

  • TCAT bus services and passes
  • Commuter Support, rideshare, and other options
  • Parking
  • Accessible & Maternity Transportation

Financial Resources

Financial Resources

Navigating Personal Finances and Debt: Cornell-specific resource guide to help you manage your personal finances.

Perks and Discounts at Cornell and in the Community - Procurement Services provides Employee Personal Purchase Discounts with several local and national companies.

Computer Purchase Payroll Deduction Loans  - Voluntary payroll deduction plan at The Cornell Store allows active Cornell staff and faculty to purchase certain computer needs.

Cornell Food Pantry Free, confidential access to food and personal care items is available to Cornell employees and students. Visit the website to pre-enroll and learn about the current hours. 

Cornell Elves & Backpack Program - The Elves Program was founded in 1989 to benefit needy children in Tompkins County and the surrounding area. Thanks to hundreds of volunteers, the program has provided clothing, school supplies, and toys to thousands of students from dozens of area schools. 

Cornell Cooperative Extension Offers educational programming and services to support financial wellbeing, such as home energy savings.  Visit your county information at: