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How To Request a Religious Accommodation

What to do if you need to take time away from work or request other accommodations due to religious belief.

What To Know

  • Religious accommodation is the process in which employees and supervisors make a good faith effort to provide a reasonable accommodation of an individual’s sincerely held religious belief.
  • Religious accommodations may include, but are not limited to, providing an employee leave for religious observances, providing a time and/or place to pray, and/or providing flexibility to wear religious attire.
  • More information:

What To Do

  1. Contact your manager or department chair

    If possible, provide at least 30 days notice in advance of an event to discuss your request.

  2. Documentation

    Submit a request for religious accommodation form to your manager or department chair.

What Happens Next

  • You may be asked to provide documentation related to the tenets of the religious practice or belief that supports the request.
  • Your manager or department chair will consult with HR and inform you of a decision.
  • If you have questions about the process or would like other guidance, contact
