Creating Gigs

How to Create Gig Development Opportunities
Gigs are a win-win-win situation for both the Gig Host and employees who enhance their skills and networking!
Watch a Video
Watch this video to learn how a supervisor at Cornell has used Gigs to help with the coordination and facilitation of her work program.
Gig Examples
Consider the following when planning to host a gig:
- Do you have a special project or task that would help you get ahead but doesn’t fit into your day-to-day workflow or requires additional help?
- Do you have a Cornell event, activity or a task that could be a good learning experience for someone's career?
- Are you looking for an opportunity to practice coaching or managing people skills?
Ways a Gig can take shape.
A short-term defined assignment to support you or your department. Examples:
- Short-term, 5-10 hr/week data analysis project hosted by an employee who is eager to develop management skills
- Short-term, 5-10 hr/week Coordinator of the Staff Development Day
- Long-term, 1-5 hr/week Patient Access Liaison at Cornell Health
- Long-term, high exposure, 1-5 hr/week Cash Flow Forecasting for Capital Projects
Cornell Events, Team or Activities
A staff member volunteers to be a facilitator within a student program, looking to gain confidence and practice public speaking skills.
- Assisting with Senior Days Event
- Sustainability Green Team Member
Follow another employee during part or all of work day for a defined period of time. A staff member wants to learn about another role or department. Example:
- Workday Focus Group Facilitator
- Communications/Social Media for a week
- Informational Interviews
Keep in Mind
Gigs are not:
- Full time or part time job placements.
- Intended to interfere with employee’s job and are not part of year-end performance review.
- Paid via chargebacks or cause monetary compensation changes
- Communicate with all employees who express interest in your gig. Note: You will receive notifications from Workday (from noreply cornell) with the names of interested candidates.
- Screen/interview as needed for the gig opportunity (i.e. long-term opportunities may require formal interviews; Cornell committees may be a phone information call). This process is done outside of Workday.
- Double-check that your interested candidate has communicated with their current manager about their interest.
- Once you have selected an employee, it is highly recommended that you use the Gig Agreement Form as a tool to ensure all parties (the participate, their supervisor and you) have outlined clear expectations and modes of communication.
- Be sure to add the individual to your gig team in Workday so it is reflected on their Workday profile.
- Once the gig is completed, close it in Workday and share your feedback on the candidate.
Where do I Start?
Ready to host a gig?
- Log into Workday, search for "Gigs;" select "Mentorships, Gigs & the Career Hub," then click the "Create and Manage Your Gig" under the "Host A Gig Opportunity" heading. Specify the description of the opportunity, your skill needs and time commitment of gig.
- Use the Gig Agreement to help define parameters of what sort of opportunity length, responsibilities, expectations, and measurements of success should be included.
HR is here to help!
- Your local HR representative can help supervisors identify, create and describe opportunities.
- The length of the gig assignment and expected outcomes should be specified.
A gig does not incur any additional cost, therefore employees participating in a gig opportunity are not compensated beyond their regular pay.
Individuals supported by sponsored funds may be required to seek department/college support if they wish to participate in Gig Development Opportunities (Gigs). The individual should reach out to their department administrator to discuss requirements for maintaining project support. This may include a requirement to back-fill the position to ensure that the project is not adversely affected and only effort associated with conducting project activities is charged accordingly.
Bargaining Unit Staff
Staff covered by a collective bargaining agreement are eligible to participate in gigs. However, advanced approval is needed from college/unit HR prior to finalizing any arrangements. In these cases, supervisors must contact their college/unit HR rep who, in turn, will partner with Workforce Policy and Labor Relations and the appropriate union leadership to finalize the terms of the gig.
Tools and Resources