Employees (including temporary employees on the university payroll) can use their Cornell ID card at the fare box, Monday-Friday, to ride Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) buses on the Cornell campus and among Cornell facilities located downtown and near the airport – and pay no fare.
The Let’s Meditate Program is a free, guided, mindfulness meditation series sponsored by Cornell Health, in collaboration with numerous campus partners.
Bring your reusable mug to get 10% Discount at Cornell Dining locations, any beverage, any size! MealChoice is the meal plan designed exclusively for Cornell staff and faculty, giving you convenient, cash free access to Cornell Dining locations, campus vending machines with card readers, and Ithaca-area restaurants participating in City Bucks.
Save 10% off breakfast, lunch, and dinner purchases at all Cornell Dining cafes, food courts, and coffee houses.
Pay just $7.50 for lunch (M-F) at any All You Care to Eat dining room on campus
Buy 10 get 11th Free when you use a punch card with your MealChoice plan at All You Care to Eat dining rooms!
The Cornell University Police have a Child Safety Seat Program. The Program is funded through grant monies that allow the Cornell Police to purchase a limited number of child safety seats and make them available to families in the Cornell community, pending application approval. Families who qualify under the New York State WIC Income Eligibility Guidelines or under any New York State Public Assistance Program may be eligible to receive a free child safety seat. All inquiries and applications are confidential.
The Cornell Store provides a wide array of products and services to make living and working on campus more convenient. Academic pricing on selected technology products is available for faculty, and eligible employees may purchase computer hardware via a Payroll Deduction Plan from The Cornell Store. View payroll deduction plan details.
Cornell employees can receive an employee discount on new and used vehicles at Maguire Automotive, plus an additional discount in auto financing through CFCU Community Credit Union. Discounts are also available for certain car manufacturers.