Veterans Resources

A listing of some of the resources available to veterans at Cornell.
At Cornell
How to add/update veteran status (pdf) in Workday (see page 3)
VBA or VHA, the Health Question - VSO insights (video, 36:04)
NY State Veterans’ Office Representative – John Canestaro: Appointments can be made by calling 607-255-8719 or emailing
Employment –
Military Resources –
Education Benefits –
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program –
Cooperative Extension/Military Families and Veterans –
Student Veteran Advocate –
Undergraduate Veterans Association –
Veterans at the SC Johnson College of Business –
Veterans Memorials –
VSO Insights – Post 9/11 GI Bill –
Support Services
MILITARY AWARDS FOR VALOR has a time-honored tradition of recognizing the acts of valor performed by Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines. The lists included at the links below allow you to share in this tradition and honor those individuals awarded our nation's most prestigious valor awards.
OPERATION HOMEFRONT’s a great feeling. To get relief during a crisis, a way to gain resiliency and a little bit of recognition and recurring support for a life sacrifice. That’s what the people at Operation Homefront do.
You can also help other Veterans in need through Operation Homefront. To view the list of current needs, go here: Promotions&utm_campaign=Current Needs
As the U.S. government’s official web portal, makes it easy for the public to get U.S. government information and services on the web. Link provided will assist with contact information for the Consumer Protection Division within your State Attorneys General Office.
Rally Point lets you network with others connected to the military community. The site makes it easy to identify those you know and makes suggestions for other contacts to help extend your professional network. Rally Point is endorsed by a number of Joint Chiefs of Staff which demonstrates existing support in the military community. This is a great tool to grow your professional network.
Easter Seals Programs
For nearly 100 years Easter Seals has been answering the call of the nation’s most vulnerable populations, providing a wide range of programs to support people of all ages. Easter Seals Serving DC I MD I VA has used its framework as a charitable organization serving people with disabilities and special needs to expand into assisting active duty military, veterans and their families.
- VETERAN STAFFING NETWORK Functions as a full-service staffing agency (temp. temp-to-perm, direct hire) placing veterans, military spouses, National Guard and Reservists, and wounded warriors. Revenues from placement fees arereinvested to provide crucial support services for veterans, wounded warriors and their families.
- MILITARY FAMILY RESPITE PROGRAM Provides a critical service for military families whose children have severe disabilities and their siblings. Families receive “time off” from parenting and specialized support for their children, creating a healthy and stable home. The program has expanded to include “Little Warriors,”children of wounded soldiers.
- HOMELESS VETERAN REINTEGRATION PROGRAMS Helps homeless veterans reintegrate into society and the labor force while providing effective services aimed ataddressing the complex challenges homeless veterans often confront. Services include job training, counseling andplacement services, as well as assistance with VA benefits, health issues and transitional/permanent housing.
- FAMILY CAREGIVER TRAINING Provides comprehensive caregiver training to family caregivers of veterans. Easter Seals shares its expertise inaddressing the unique emotional and medical needs involved in caring for loved ones who return home with seriousinjuries after their service to the United States
- LITTLE WARRIORS CHILD DEVELOPMENT program provides the highest quality early childhood education, intervention and therapy for families of wounded soldiers,allowing service members to focus on their own recovery. The program is housed in The Easter Seals Harry &Jeanette Weinberg Inter-Generational Center and other Easter Seals Child Development Centers throughout the region.
- SENIOR AND ADULT DAY SERVICES Provides support to veterans who have served our country from World War II to today’s conflict. Service personnel at risk of institutionalization can find socialization, medical care and hope in the Adult Day Centers throughout our region. We partner with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to provide veterans the opportunity to attend Easter Seals Adult Day Services twice a week.
- eBenefits is a portal; a central location for Veterans, Service Members, and their families to research, find, access, and, in time, manage their benefits and personal information.
- Military OneSource is a Department of Defense-funded program providing comprehensive information on every aspect of military life at no cost to active duty, Guard and reserve service members, and their families.
- To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s veterans.
- Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) serves America’s veterans and separating service members by preparing them for meaningful careers, providing employment resources and expertise, and protecting their employment rights.
- The Veterans Job Bank provides a central resource that allows Veterans to access jobs available specifically for them.
- AfterDeployment is a resource supporting service members, their families, and veterans with common post-deployment challenges. Check out the “Work Adjustment” feature to learn about the changes you might experience when returning to your civilian job after deployment. Take an assessment to determine how well you are adjusting to your work environment. After the assessment, you can watch a number of videos about adjustment and visit the e-library for more in-depth information on how to adjust back to a civilian career.
- With Career One Stop’s “Explore Careers” feature you can find wage information, employment trends, and skills needed for any occupation. This feature can also help you learn the different tasks and activities associated with a specific job, what types of tools and technology you will use on the job, and the education and training required for the job. Take an interest assessment to identify careers that fit your likes and dislikes, a skills assessment to determine what careers you are already qualified for, or a values assessment to learn what careers match your beliefs.
- The interview process is the most difficult part of a job search for some. What should you do before an interview? What information should you have going into an interview? These questions, and many more are answered by this resource. The website reviews the different types of interviews, what to prepare before an interview, what to do during an interview, and how to follow up after an interview. Take the interactive quiz to determine if you are interview ready!
- Ladders’ resume builder helps you build a resume from scratch starting with where to place your name and personal information. As you follow the information entry prompts, you can click on the information icon to get an idea of the job titles, skills, accomplishments, employment history, and education history you should list on your resume. This resume builder takes the hassle out of following a resume template. You can create an account to save your progress and work on your resume when the time is right.
- The O*NET OnLine Military Crosswalk Search allows you to find civilian career information associated with your Military Occupational Classification. Simply enter your title or code to generate a list of tasks and work activities you may have participated in, tools and technology you may have utilized, and knowledge, skills, and abilities you may have gained. The search also generates a list of interests you may have if you enjoyed your military job, work styles that benefit that job, and work values that are important for success in that position. If you are interested in a civilian career similar to your military job you will find related occupations as well as wages and employment trends associated with those civilian occupations.
Physical and Mental Health
- The National Resource Directory (NRD) is a website that connects wounded warriors, Service Members, Veterans, their families, and caregivers to programs and services that support them.
- Being in the military can be stressful for service members and their families. Everyone reacts to stress and traumatic experiences differently, and some may feel angry or isolated while they are dealing with difficult circumstances.
- The mission of the Office of Warrior Care Policy is to ensure wounded, ill, injured and transitioning Service members receive high quality care and seamless transition support through proactive leadership, responsive policy, effective oversight and inter-agency collaboration.
- Follow the About Face awareness campaign. Hear the stories of other Veterans who have suffered from PTSD and learn about their treatment experiences
- provides interactive tools including, assessments, stories and resources on PTSD and other wellness topics. Identify your stress and triggers by completing the Post-Traumatic Stress workbook. This site also includes a hotline and live chat feature that you can access at anytime
- The Department of Veteran Affairs National Center for PTSD offers a public and a professional track for audiences visiting the site. The public side consists of videos in understanding PTSD, interactive modules, and guides on reintegration. For providers there is a series entitled PTSD 101. This includes a set of online modules offering general PTSD foundational courses and courses in assessing and course of treatment for PTSD. The National Center for PTSD in conjunction with the National Center for Telehealth have developed an application, PTSD Coach, that can help you learn about PTSD and manage your symptoms. PTSD Coach also offers an assessment to track your symptoms. Upload your favorite music, pictures, and contacts for use in the exercises that help you manage these symptoms.
- Find information about TBI symptoms, treatment and recovery for mild to severe TBI. Learn about and explore the brain to better understand how the brain operates and the implications of a TBI on the brain There are resources for caregivers too! The resource center includes videos, guides, journal templates, and checklists.
- BrainlineMilitary is an arm of that provides military specific information and resources to veterans, service members, families, and providers. The site explores topics related to TBI symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and living with TBI through video, webcasts, articles and personal stories. Follow the video blog of Veteran Adam Anicich (“Adam at Ease”) through his injury and recovery.
- Find information about TBI symptoms, treatment and recovery for mild to severe TBI. Learn about and explore the brain to better understand how the brain operates and the implications of a TBI on the brain There are resources for caregivers too! The resource center includes videos, guides, journal templates, and checklists.
- The Mesothelioma Center provides support for veterans impacted by the military's past reliance on asbestos, who are suffering from life-threatening diseases caused by asbestos exposure.
- A guide covering common eye conditions, services and resources available, how the VA assists, and more.
The Wounded Warrior Project mission is to honor and empower wounded warriors through direct programs in mental health, career counseling, and long-term rehabilitative care, as well as advocacy efforts.
Other Veterans Services
Team Red, White and Blue Team Red, White & Blue (
Twin Tiers Honor Flight –
NY State Division of Veterans’ Services –
Tompkins County Department of Veterans Services –
Military Families Learning Network –
R4 Alliance –
Veterans Crisis Line –
VA Benefits Support -
Community Perks
Being a member of the military, a veteran, or a retiree has benefits in the local community. Here are a list of some of the most popular ones:
Return the Favor list of local discounts
Lowes – 10% discount (Registration Link)
Home Depot – 10% discount (Info Link)
Disabled Veteran additional perks:
Free Lifetime National Parks Pass – (Info Link) (Official Info)