Contract College Retirement Plans
Choose between a defined benefit pension plan that provides a specified payment amount at retirement OR a defined contribution plan, where assets are based on amounts contributed by the employer, the employee, and the success of investments chosen by the participant.
New York State requires that all regular full-time employees and employees working full-time for at least 12 months, enroll in a New York State retirement plan. You can only waive enrollment if you are a part-time or temporary employee. If you choose to waive enrollment, complete the front and back of the Contract College Retirement Plan Election form and return the completed form to HR Services and Transitions Center.
Quick Facts
- Plans:
- Employees Retirement System (ERS) - a defined benefit pension plan that provides a specified payment amount at retirement
- SUNY Optional Retirement Program (SUNY ORP) - a defined contribution plan, where assets are based on amounts contributed by the employer, the employee, and the success of investments chosen by the participant
- Eligibility:
- hourly employees are only eligible for the ERS pension plan
- salaried employees may choose between the ERS pension plan and the SUNY ORP Retirement Program; though election must be made within the first 30 days of date of hire; after 30 days, your only enrollment option is the ERS pension plan
- County Cooperative Extension Association employees are only eligible for the ERS pension plan, unless they have a SUNY ORP contract from prior employment
- Beneficiaries: It's important to note that the beneficiary functionality in Workday does not integrate with outside vendors.
Plan Options
The ERS Pension Plan
One option is a defined benefit pension plan, called the Employees' Retirement System (ERS) with the New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS). This plan is available for both salaried and hourly employees.
The benefits provided include:
- Retirement benefit
- Disability retirement benefits for both on-the-job and non-job-related disabilities
- Death benefits
- Loans for contributing members
- Membership transfer to and from another public retirement system in New York State
- Ability to request credit for withdrawn New York State service from another New York State public retirement system
When you join the ERS pension plan, you are assigned to one of six tiers based on your date of membership. All employees who join after April 1, 2012 are in Tier 6. Tier 6 members have mandatory contributions between 3 and 6 percent for their entire careers, based on earnings. Information on ERS tiers, contribution rates, etc. can be found at the Comparison of ERS Benefits website.
To find out more about the Employees' Retirement System (ERS) visit "Membership in a Nutshell" on the NYSLRS website.
ERS Credit for Previous Public Service
You may be able to obtain credit for your previous public employment. It is very important that you claim all the service you are entitled to receive, as early as possible, because records documenting your previous service may become lost or destroyed with the passage of time.
- Learn more about purchasing service credit by watching this short video.
SUNY Optional Retirement Program (SUNY ORP)
Option two is a defined contribution 401(a) plan called the State University of New York Optional Retirement Program (SUNY ORP). This plan is only available to salaried employees, or past participants of SUNY ORP.
Benefits are provided under one of six available tiers based on the enrollment date. Employees who join SUNY ORP after April 12, 2012 are Tier 6 members and have a 366-day vesting period in effect from the date of hire. Employees who have a vested prior employer-funded account with any of the SUNY ORP vendors may have the vesting period waived upon confirmation of the prior employer-funded account.
The Tier 6 required Employee Contribution Rate in a given year is based upon wages from the earlier of the two prior calendar years (the two-year look-back) and ranges from 3-6% (see below for details). The Employer Contribution Rate is 8% of gross salary for the first seven years of active SUNY-ORP membership service, and 10% thereafter, upon completion of the seventh year of membership.
Please be advised: Per the written terms of the plan documents that govern SUNY ORP (as administered by SUNY Benefits Administration), while employed with Cornell (full-time, part-time, non-benefits eligible, or in an Endowed position), you are not eligible to take a distribution from SUNY ORP. If you separate from service from Cornell University and are subsequently re-employed by Cornell University, you are not able to take distributions from your SUNY ORP account (regardless of your position).
If you retire from Cornell University and return to work, you are subject to the applicable provisions of the Retirement and Social Security Law (which dictates the $35,000 a year earnings limit if you are under the age of 65). You will not be able to take an in-service distribution from your SUNY ORP account while younger than age 59 1/2 and remain in full-time employment (including Endowed positions).
Retired employees wishing to take SUNY ORP distributions under the aforementioned circumstance must provide in writing (email is acceptable) that they are retired and have been subsequently re-employed at Cornell University in a less than full-time position. If you retire from Cornell University and return to work, do not plan on taking SUNY ORP distributions OR are not taking SUNY ORP distributions, you may be able to re-enroll in SUNY ORP, regardless of the position and hours you are scheduled to work (the position must be a Contract College position). Please contact HR Services and Transitions Center, at, for more information.
You are not able to take SUNY ORP distributions (or receive ERS/TRS pension payments) while receiving contributions from, or participating in, any New York State retirement program (i.e. ERS pension plan, TRS pension plan, SUNY ORP).
Comparing Plans
If you're new to Cornell and trying to decide which option is right for you, check out this comparison chart and this video offered by the State University of New York (SUNY). New exempt employees must select which of the two retirement plans in which to participate within 30 days of hire.
Changing between plans
If you are a salaried (exempt) employee and you choose to enroll in the SUNY ORP 401(a) retirement plan, you may not switch to the ERS pension plan even, if you change jobs.
If you are an hourly (non-exempt) employee enrolled in the ERS pension plan and your job status changes to salaried, you will have the option of electing SUNY ORP or remaining in ERS. You must elect to enroll in SUNY ORP within 30 days of your job status change; after 30 days, you will remain enrolled in the ERS pension plan.
Enrollment in the ERS pension plan is not through Workday but by the completion of Form RS 5420 Employees’ Retirement System Membership Registration. The completed form must be returned to the HR Services and Transitions Center; please do NOT send the form to the address noted in the upper left of the form.
Enrollment in the SUNY ORP plan is not through Workday, but by the completion of the Contract College Retirement Plan Election form. Please review and complete all three pages; all three pages must be returned to the HR Services and Transitions Center within 30 days of your hire/appointment date.
Enrollment in a NYS retirement plan is irrevocable and will continue for all SUNY and Community College employment (including Cornell University Contract Colleges) unless an employee becomes newly eligible to participate in an alternative NYS retirement plan.
Managing your Accounts
ERS Pension Plan with NYSLRS
To find out what tier you are in, sign into Retirement Online and look under 'My Account Summary’. You can also contact the NYSLRS Contact Center at 1-866-805-0990.
SUNY ORP participants must use the Retirement@Work portal to select their investment provider (they may have multiple investment providers) and to select an investment alternative based on investment objectives, time horizon, and risk tolerance among other factors, using the four investment providers. Enrolling in SUNY ORP via Retirement@Work does not enroll you in SUNY ORP in Workday.
The four investment providers are:
- Corebridge Financial (formerly AIG),
- Fidelity Investments,
- TIAA, and/or
- Voya.
Failure to select an investment provider will result in SUNY ORP accounts remaining with TIAA until an election is made. SUNY ORP participants may change their investment provider selection at any time.
Information on SUNY ORP investment options
Managing your Beneficiaries
Active employees should periodically review their retirement plan beneficiary designations and update them if needed regarding in-service death benefits (pertains to any active Contract College employee). Life circumstances sometimes change, and the beneficiary you may have named before might not be the one you would choose today. If you are not a member of the ERS pension plan or the SUNY ORP retirement plan, you must designate a beneficiary to receive the in-service survivor’s benefit. Please contact HR Services and Transitions Center to receive the RS6357 Non-Member Employee Designation of Beneficiary form.
Beneficiaries for the retirement plans are not designated through Workday.
ERS Pension Plan with NYSLRS
ERS Pension Plan members: Sign in to Retirement Online and click “View and Update My Beneficiaries” to make sure you have beneficiaries listed on your account. Going online is the quickest way for members to change/update their pension plan beneficiary(ies).
Members may also complete the Designation of Beneficiary form (RS5127) and mail it to NYSLRS at the address on the form (Cornell University does not get form RS5127). The form must be properly notarized and the original must be mailed to NYSLRS.
To designate a trust as either your primary or contingent beneficiary, the Designation of Beneficiary Trust with Contingent Beneficiaries form (RS5127-T) must be completed. The form must be properly notarized and the original must be mailed to NYSLRS at the address on the form (Cornell University does not get from RS5127-T. This form is for active members only.
Retirement Online is NY state's self-service tool that provides access to your retirement account information. Sign Up or Sign In to view your current beneficiaries, or designate beneficiaries. The Designation of Beneficiary form (original or a copy) is not sent to Cornell.
For more information, visit Life Changes: Why Should I Designate a Beneficiary?
Beneficiary information for your SUNY ORP retirement plan is updated directly through your selected investment provider:
- Corebridge Financial (formerly AIG), 1-603-594-8340
- Fidelity Investments, 1-844-FOR-SUNY
- TIAA, 1-866-662-7945
- Voya, 1-800-584-6001