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Performance Dialogues: for Employees

The performance dialogue provides an important opportunity for Cornell employees and supervisors to discuss job performance expectations and career development opportunities.

What Is A Performance Dialogue?

Performance dialogues are one component of the ongoing Performance Management Process.

Depending on the college or unit where you work, the annual performance dialogue may be submitted online in Workday, or via paper document. If you are not completing your performance dialogue in Workday, your supervisor may also encourage you to complete an Individual Development Plan which is an excellent way to chart a course forward in your career at Cornell. If completing your performance dialogue online, the Individual Development Plan is built into the Performance Dialogue in Workday. If you’re not sure about which form to use, check with your supervisor or local HR representative

What To Expect

The performance dialogue process varies by college and unit at Cornell. But essentially, all regular full-time and regular part-time nonacademic employees of the university are expected to meet with their supervisors on an annual basis to review job results and planning. Read the Performance Appraisal Policy for details. Employees should complete the appropriate documentation in advance of this meeting, as instructed by the supervisor (links to forms are listed below).

Performance is evaluated according to

  • what was done well and what may need to change or improve;
  • review the status of last’s year’s goals;
  • discuss actions to promote more effective job performance, including a review of the Skills for SuccessLeadership Skills for Success (if applicable), and skills specific to the role; and
  • review the coming year’s goals.

After your meeting, you will receive a copy of the completed Performance Dialogue in Workday. Your acceptance in Workday acknowledges the dialogue took place and does not constitute agreement with the content. If you disagree with any part of the dialogue, you may attach supplementary explanatory materials which will become part of the record and/or you may request a review by the supervisor. If you believe the dialogue documentation is not factually accurate, you may request a review by the supervisor’s manager.  If the disagreement remains regarding the facts, you may file a formal grievance.



