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Workplace Posters

Federal and state posters are required to be displayed in all Cornell workplaces.

Posters must be displayed in a conspicuous place where other notifications of workplace rights and employer rules and policies are posted so that employees can readily find and read them at wheelchair height.

These posters provide important information regarding your rights under federal and state law. If you have questions, please contact Workforce Policy at

A state-by-state guide to labor poster requirements is available at the bottom of this page.

Poster Sets

The posters may be downloaded in printable sets by clicking on these links:

Download combined PDF with all federal letter-size posters

Download combined PDF with all federal legal and ledger-size posters [recommend printing all on 11 x 17-inch paper - see "Legal and Ledger-Size Posters" section below for specific size requirements]

Download combined PDF with all New York State posters

Federal Posting Requirements

Visit the U.S. Department of Labor Workplace Posters website.
For helpful information about poster requirements, visit the U.S. Department of Labor's Posters - Frequently Asked Questions website. 

Note: Be sure to check the "Posters That May Be Required" section below for work or funding specific posters.

Letter Size Posters

The following posters should be printed on 8½ x 11-inch paper.

Legal and Ledger-Size Posters

The following poster should be printed on 8.5 x 14-inch paper.

The following posters can be printed on 11 x 17-inch paper or as two 8.5 x 11-inch landscape pages that must be taped or pasted together to form the 11 x 17-inch poster.

Posters That May Be Required

These posters may be required to be posted in your workplace depending on type of work or funding source.

Government Contracts

Employee Rights Under the Davis-Bacon Act (pdf): Any contractor/subcontractor engaged in contracts in excess of $2,000 for the actual construction, alteration/repair of a public building or public work or building or work financed in whole or in part from federal funds, federal guarantee, or federal must post this notice at the site of the work in a prominent and accessible place.

Service Contract Act/Walsh-Healey Public Contract Act: Every employer performing work covered by the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act or the McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act (SCA) is required to post a notice of the compensation required (including, for service contracts, any applicable wage determination) in a prominent and accessible location at the worksite where it may be seen by all employees performing on the contract.

Worker Rights Under Executive Order 13706: Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors (pdf)

Applicants for Employment and Employees working on Federal Contract with E-Verify Clause

These notices are to be posted where visible to prospective employees and to employees hired working on a federal contract with a FAR e-verify clause.

E-Verify (pdf), Right to Work poster (pdf) and Right to Work Spanish version (pdf). 

Recipients of U.S. Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) Funding 

Campuses where USDA funded work/labs are located must download and post the And Justice for All poster.

Units Employing Minors

Minor Employee Working Schedule: Units employing minor employees (under 18) must post the work schedule (days, hours, start and end times, meal breaks) of the minor employees in a conspicuous place.

Mandatory Nurse Overtime

Health Care employers are required to make their Nurse Coverage Plan available to all nursing staff by posting in a location accessible to all nursing staff, or using any means to make it available to all nursing staff. See Restrictions on Consecutive Hours of Work for Nurses (pdf).

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (“NASA”) Funding

NASA-funded Programs and Activities: If your program or activity receives NASA funding, you are required to:

  • Provide individualized copies of the poster and brochures (see links below) to the deans, chairs, and faculty receiving funding from NASA, especially principle investigators on NASA grants
  • Place printed copies of the poster and the brochures in the common areas in program buildings for those programs and activities receiving NASA funding so that beneficiaries may learn more about their rights to equal opportunity in STEM programs
  • Ensure that the links to the poster and brochure are placed on the websites for the programs and activities receiving NASA funding

New York State Posters

Visit the New York State Department of Labor Posting Requirement website.

New York State Posters

Note: Employees represented by a collective bargaining agent should consult their contract for applicable pay practices and release time provisions.

New York City Posters

NYC Posters

The following posters should be printed on 8½ x 11-inch paper.

  • Notice of Employee Rights: Safe and Sick Leave
  • Notice: Pregnancy Accommodations at Work (pdf)
  • Know Your Rights at Work (pdf): Local Law 161 of 2023 requires employers in New York City to give their employees information about their rights at work.
    • Employers must post the multilingual "Know Your Rights at Work" poster at each NYC workplace where employees can easily see it.
    • Employers must give a copy of the poster to each employee by July 1, 2024. After July 1, employers must give a copy of the poster to new employees on or before their first day of work.
    • Employers must make the poster available on any online platform used to communicate with their employees, such as a company intranet or app.

The following posters should be printed on 8½ x 14-inch paper.

The following poster should be printed on 11 x 17-inch paper.

State-by-State Posters

State-by-State Posters

A state-by-state guide to labor poster requirements.

StateRequired Poster Link
AlabamaAlabama Department of Labor
AlaskaAlaska Department of Labor
ArizonaArizona Department of Labor
ArkansasArkansas Department of Labor
CaliforniaCalifornia Department of Labor
ColoradoColorado Department of Labor
ConnecticutConnecticut Department of Labor
DelawareDOL Labor Law Poster
FloridaFlorida Department of Labor
GeorgiaGeorgia Department of Labor
HawaiiHawaii Department of Labor
IdahoIdaho Department of Labor
IllinoisIllinois Department of Labor
IndianaIndiana Department of Labor
IowaIowa Department of Labor
KansasKansas Department of Labor
KentuckyKentucky Department of Labor
LouisianaLouisiana Department of Labor
MaineMaine Department of Labor
MarylandMaryland Department of Labor
MassachusettsMassachusetts Department of Labor
MichiganMichigan Department of Labor
MinnesotaMinnesota Department of Labor
MississippiMississippi Department of Labor
MissouriMissouri Department of Labor
MontanaMontana Department of Labor
NebraskaNDOL | Labor Law
NevadaNevada Department of Labor
New HampshireMandatory Posters | State of New Hampshire Department of Labor
New JerseyNew Jersey Department of Labor
New MexicoNew Mexico Department of Labor
New YorkNew York Department of Labor
North CarolinaNorth Carolina Department of Labor
North DakotaNorth Dakota Department of Labor
OhioOhio Department of Labor
OklahomaOklahoma Department of Labor
OregonOregon Department of Labor
PennsylvaniaPennsylvania Department of Labor
Rhode IslandRhode Island Department of Labor
South CarolinaSouth Carolina Department of Labor
South DakotaSouth Dakota Department of Labor
TennesseeTennessee Department of Labor
TexasTexas Department of Labor
UtahUtah Department of Labor
VermontVermont Department of Labor
VirginiaVirginia Department of Labor
WashingtonWashington Department of Labor
West VirginiaWest Virginia Department of Labor
WisconsinWisconsin Department of Labor
WyomingWyoming Department of Labor
District of Columbia

DC Department of Labor

Office of Wage-Hour Compliance | does (

FederalU.S. Department of Labor