Hourly (non-exempt) employees must enter time worked via a time clock or in Workday.
Step-by-step instructions to learn how to enter your hours in Workday.
Watch Video: Enter Time Worked
Download PDF: Enter Time Worked
Please note: These instructions are for hourly employees who do not use a timeclock to enter their hours worked. You will see steps to enter time worked, enter your time off requests and edit time entered, submitted or approved.
How often should I enter worked hours into my Workday timesheet?
Employees should input their hours every day they work, to ensure accuracy.
When should I SUBMIT my timesheet to my manager for approval?
Our best practice recommendation is that employees SUBMIT their timesheet for approval weekly instead of once at the end of the payperiod. However, please defer to your local unit best practice guidelines.
Where is the SAVE button?
Time is auto-saved as it is entered. Do not use the SUBMIT button to save your time. We recommend that you click Submit once each week when you have finished entering your time (ex. for the first payperiod week) and are ready for your manager to approve the time to be paid.
What happens in Workday when I work overtime?
Workday automatically calculates overtime hours based upon the employee's job and applicable contract. Overtime hours will display at the top of the employee's Workday timesheet as the hours are entered.
Can I revise my timesheet?
Yes, if the revision is within the current payperiod, select the time block you want to correct and make the necessary corrections, or click ‘Delete’ to erase the time block completely. Then SUBMIT the revised time for your manager’s approval.
If the revision is for a previous pay period, your manager (or timekeeper) will need to submit the change on your behalf for the adjustment to be reflected on your paycheck.
What time type should I use?
How do I enter time if I have multiple positions?
When you enter a block of time in your timesheet, select the appropriate job from the “Positions” dropdown menu in the window. Students should make sure they are not entering time on the default Cornell Student position. Note: If you are unsure of which position to select, click on the Multiple Jobs link in the helptext at the top of the time entry page.
What are the rules for meal periods at Cornell?
Employees are responsible for knowing the meal policy and for taking a full 30-minute lunch break and/or 20-minute dinner break, when applicable. If work interferes with a meal break, inform your supervisor. Supervisors are responsible for informing new employees of Cornell's policies and enforcing these rules.
If an ongoing workload issue is interfering with meal periods, it needs to be escalated to local pay reps who can discuss the matter with labor relations when necessary.
Currently, employees can clock in before the full 30-minute break; the system will prompt a soft warning regarding the NYS meal break regulations. Enter a comment to indicate why you are not using your 30-minute break.
Can my supervisor make changes to my timesheet?
Yes. Both your manager and your ‘timekeeper’ can make changes to your timesheet, even after you have submitted it.