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Inclusion and Belonging

diverse group of employees interacting, smiling

Cornell has a long tradition of supporting a diverse and inclusive educational environment, which extends to our workforce.

University Diversity Initiatives

Cornell strives to create a campus environment that supports all aspects of diversity among students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, donors, and community partners. Cornell’s focus on diversity goes beyond race and gender to also address sexual orientation, veteran status, and disabilities. The university’s approach is holistic and its commitment includes regulation, strategy and creative ways to improve culture and demographic composition.

Department of Inclusion & Belonging

DIB produces innovative programs to support belonging in our workplace, including the Inclusive Excellence Podcast, Summit, and trainings.

Diversity Resources for Employees

Information about Cornell’s diversity recruitment and retention programs and resources, including training and networking opportunities to support communities of color, disabilities, LGBT, military veterans, women, and religions.

Video Transcript

00:00:00,080 --> 00:00:02,800
[Michelle] I do a lot of things to care for 
myself but I think the first thing  

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that comes to mind for me as being the 
most important is the friendships that I have.

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Connectedness is so very important. We are 
seeing in national data that people are reporting  

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a greater sense of loneliness. And in Human 
Resources and the Department of Inclusion and  

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Belonging we've been having a lot of conversation 
about how we can enhance connectedness for our  

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faculty and staff. 
[Avery] I'm also a Presidential Adviser in Diversity and Equity, uh... where working with two  

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of my other colleagues we think a lot about 
how do we... how do we ensure that everyone who  

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is here at Cornell feel... feels like they belong. So, Belonging at Cornell initiative. [Kathryn] I think one  

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of the most important things for our students to 
realize is that, with... among the community that they  

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have here at Cornell University is an incredible 
network that can stay with them for life. And so  

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to really enjoy and embrace and develop those 
personal relationships while they are here  

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on this campus. Certainly with their faculty and 
with staff but but absolutely with their fellow  

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students.  [Michelle] Being a Higher Ed institution we have 
a lot of people who are here for a short period  

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of time. And that can be really difficult if they 
don't have um... family and friends nearby. And so we  

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want to provide them with opportunities to build 
those connections and to really feel a part of our  

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community. [Cortney] Even though Cornell can feel like a big 
place, if you can make one connection with someone  

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um... that connection could be your path to finding 
the answer that you need to get the support you  

00:01:35,040 --> 00:01:41,320
need. [Ten] Meeting people across departments, and meeting 
people across colleges, and just setting up casual  

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meetings. Go out and say hi to somebody. Touch grass. 
Get a coffee. [Aaron] I've been able to do that through a  

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few different opportunities here on campus as 
well. There's a kind of an informal basketball  

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group they... they play basketball on a couple days 
a week. Um... I've connected with them some. There's  

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many people who are interested just... just kind 
of... reach out. And even if you can't find anyone  

00:02:04,440 --> 00:02:09,978
there... there's entire departments that are looking 
to connect people to do those things together.

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[Cortney] And I found that when I was new to campus or coming 
here um... even just a quick Google search of all  

00:02:16,440 --> 00:02:23,320
the options and opportunities that were here 
and available to staff or students. And of course, I  

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will always plug that the LGBT Resource Center is 
here to support the health and wellbeing of all  

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students, especially LGBTQ+ students. We offer 
programs that support community building, building  

00:02:35,000 --> 00:02:40,920
your social network, connecting with others. 
[Ten] And so find the people that you do fit with, that you  

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vibe with. [Cortney] We can find a way to find a space for 
everyone to feel welcome and affirmed. [Ten] I think that  

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a lot of people um... can be intimidated by the size 
and the uh... separation of the Cornell community.

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And it can be easy to think I'm alone and this 
doesn't work for me but it really, really can.  

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And there are resources to help you get to a 
place where you do fit in and you do work perfectly.