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Wellbeing & Leaves

People Leaders play an important role in enabling employee wellbeing and facilitating employees needs through crises and leaves.

Employee Wellbeing at Cornell

Wellbeing is a multifaceted and continually changing process.

Explore the Dimensions of Employee Wellbeing at Cornell

Spiraling circles representing the seven dimensions of Employee Wellbeing at Cornell

Spiraling circles representing the seven dimensions of Employee Wellbeing at Cornell; mental, relationships, physical, cultural, environmental, occupational and financial.

Crisis Support

  • Domestic Violence Resources: Campus and local resources available to staff and faculty in need of assistance as a result of domestic or intimate partner violence.
  • Navigating Health Challenges: Resources to support staff and faculty who are managing difficult or complex health conditions and crises.
  • Faculty and Staff Assistance Program: Free and confidential guidance and support to benefits-eligible employees and their partners to address issues that may be affecting their personal lives and/or job satisfaction or performance.
  • Caring Community: A central resource where all members of the Cornell community can find help in times of crisis, or support with emotional, physical, social, financial, intellectual, family, or other issues.
  • SHARE: The Sexual Harassment and Assault – Response and Education website shares resources for getting help, as well as reporting and education.
  • Ombuds: A safe place where community members may discuss problems or issues within the University.

Leaves & Disability

Video Transcript

00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,740
[Michelle] Welcome back to the Managers Take 5 series,
I'm Michelle Artibee, Director of Workforce  

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Wellbeing in the Division of Human Resources at Cornell. During this segment we'll take five  

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minutes to talk about the importance of a supportive workplace climate, where employees  

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can thrive. We know that some employees are struggling with things such as the personal  

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and professional ripple effects of the pandemic, world and national events, feelings of burnout  

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and fatigue from work-related situations, and pressures and personal life stressors, such  

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as changes to relationships, finances, elder care, and parenting. Joining me is Matt Braun.

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Matt is the Assistant Dean for alumni Affairs and Development in the College of Veterinary  

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Medicine. Matt welcome and thanks so 
much for being here with us.

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[Matt] It's a pleasure Michelle, thanks for having me.

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[Michelle] Why don't we just get started with what does wellbeing mean to you personally Matt?

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[Matt] A center point for me personally 
would be, you know, being in a frame of mind where  

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I'm feeling as present as possible, wherever I am, and being tuned to acknowledge when those  

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symptoms of wellbeing imbalance creep up in my daily life. So for me, you know, they show up  

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in the form of a lack of focus or inability 
to reflect, impatience, stress, a low morale or  

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low motivation, maybe feeling bored or burned out.

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[Michelle] What does well-being mean to you as a manager Matt?

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[Matt] Well at the heart of it, I do my best to support a team climate where everybody feels like they have  

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the space to take care of themselves and their families. You know, without being able to take  

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the time to focus on their personal needs, I think the work will suffer. As a manager, I need to be the  

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cheerleader and I need to be the advocate for a kind social climate promoting group communication  

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and cohesion. You know, if maintaining a trusting and positive team climate is the glue to workplace  

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wellbeing then that's what I'm after. 
[Michelle] Matt, could you please share two to three things managers can  

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do right away to prioritize wellbeing in their area? 
[Matt] So I think number one we need to demonstrate  

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and promote a compassionate attitude and, you know, more often than not when you do that you'll be  

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rewarded with a caring team. Team members, I think, who experience perhaps a hardship in their lives  

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will find it easier to bounce back into a caring team if that trust exists consistently. Number two  

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I think, you know, as managers we should be always looking for the pinch points and help people get  

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unstuck. If we exhibit the grace necessary to put people first, again, will be rewarded by helping, 

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by seeing them kind of, come out of moments of... of challenge or difficulty. And then I think equally  

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important is, as managers you know, take care of yourself. If managers aren't feeling centered,  

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they can't be present for their team. Let the team know when you're not feeling centered  

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so they know what it looks like when you're off and can reciprocate and provide the feedback you  

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need to get yourself back on track. For all of us life happens, we need to ask for help.

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[Michelle] Do you have any advice for managers who are seeing some 
concerning things with individuals on their team  

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and feel compelled to offer to help but aren't really sure where to start? 
[Matt] I think as a manager  

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I... I do believe we are in a position to acknowledge with our employees individually that we might be  

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sensing that they're off, for any particular reason, and give them an opportunity to share. Some may  

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choose to take that opportunity and some may not. But I think the first step to deeper understanding  

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is to be compassionately inquisitive. We want to make sure that the employee has what they  

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need to feel good about approaching work on any given day, at any given time. And if you live that,  

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you know, walk that walk every day, you show up as a manager, it becomes embedded in the culture of your  

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team, and there's a higher likelihood that people will reach out for help when they need it.

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[Michelle] Matt, I really enjoyed talking with you. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and ideas, and most  

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importantly for really striving to create both an effective and a healthy work environment for your team.

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[Matt] Thank you Michelle, thanks for having me and initiating this conversation.

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[Michelle] Thank you managers for taking five minutes out of your day 
to focus on employee well-being. It is critical  

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to individual and organizational success and we hope the past few minutes have provided  

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you with some actionable tips that you can start implementing today. Visit  

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for information about Cornell services, programs, and policies that support employees.

Video Transcript

00:00:00,160 --> 00:00:03,800
[Michelle] Remember that when we're fatigued and overwhelmed, our productivity  

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is hindered. It takes us longer to accomplish the things that we want to accomplish. So this  

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becomes a self-perpetuating cycle, where we're working more hours but they're less effective hours.

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[Julie] I find that it is most impactful for me in supporting my wellbeing if what I'm doing  

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not only fills my cup but also is meaningful to me, and perhaps even meaningful to other people.  

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[Lisa] Be generous to yourself, and be generous to others. Don't beat yourself up... right um... it's so easy to do  

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but we have a choice in how we respond to things that happen. And when we have that choice to focus  

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on the positive uh... and be optimistic I think that makes a really big difference. [Aaron] I mentioned I run.  

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sometimes I will just sign up for a race, it's not about I... I expect to win and something but  

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it's just I'm going to work toward some goal, for myself. [Ten] It's important to me to be able to like,  

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live in my space. I have a cubical, you know, it's not an office but it's... it's me. Which is a little  

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thing but it's so important. [Travis] Stay active. I think it's a really good thing, you know, whether it's  

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walking or just doing different activities [Ten] Try to, especially on Cornell, make sure to be getting out  

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and getting a walk, and seeing all of the beautiful landscaping. [Travis] Not just just physical wellbeing but  

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mental wellbeing, you know, talking to others. Just having general conversations outside of work.  

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I think just makes it more natural and, you know, less stressful when you can talk about  

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other things rather than just work all the time. [Christine] I definitely want to encourage everyone to take care  

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of themselves and don't be afraid to ask for some help if you need it. If you're struggling reach out  

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to someone, we have a lot of resources here at the university that are available to you. So my advice  

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is to seek out what's available tap into those resources. Check in, talk to someone if you need  

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to. Take a pause if you need to, do that. Do whatever it takes but prioritize your own sense of wellbeing.