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Workday for People Leaders


Anyone who has employees reporting to them will have the Workday role "Manager," despite your specific title at Cornell.

​​​​​​With Workday’s manager self-service, people leaders are empowered with necessary and relevant job, position, compensation, labor distribution (called costing data in Workday), performance reviews, goals, recruiting and not time and attendance information. This includes access to numerous Workday reports with information about your team to support all HR related decisions. In addition, you will be required to approve Time Entry (timesheets for hourly employees only) and Time Off Requests, which will be routed to you in your inbox.


Your Inbox will show notifications of tasks related to you or your employees and items that have been routed to you for an approval, such Hourly Time Entry and Time Off requests.

Manager Insights Hub

The Manager Insights Hub consolidates various tasks, reports, and insights about your team into one central location, streamlining the ability of people leaders to support their teams. People leaders have quick access to important tasks, reports, and personalized team member recommendations, such as connections, mentors, gigs, and learning opportunities. The Manager Insights Hub is available in your Global Navigation Menu.

Team Time Off

Viewing Time Off

Workday is the system to record and track time off balances for all both hourly and salaried employees. To view your employees’ time off balance, click on the Team Time Off worklet. There are various options, including a Time Off Leave and Calendar view. To see current balances you may wish to select the Time Off Summary view from that page.

Approving Time Off

Time Off Requests will appear in your Inbox for review and approval. To learn about the specific steps to approve time, please see the Approving Time Off job aid.

Delegating Approval of Time Off

Delegation is used to allow another employee to review and approve on your behalf. As a manager, you may wish to delegate your Time Entry and Time Off approval responsibilities to another. This can be done for short periods of time or on an on-going basis. In addition, an entire inbox can be delegated to another individual during a leave or vacation. Please see the Delegate Quick Reference guide to walk you through the necessary steps. 

Employee Information

Click on the My Team icon on your Home page. The My Team page is composed of windows that provide different views into your direct reports. Click on the link with their name and photo of each employee to view more details about that individual.

Job changes

To examine a specific employee’s history, click on the Timeline option with the My Team icon on the homepage.  This view contains a historical record of all the changes made to a worker, including changes to their job, position, compensation, etc. It is arranged by date.


To examine a specific employee’s compensation, click on the hyperlink with employee’s name (either from the My Team worklet or wherever their name is visible) and then click on their Compensation tab. Any questions about compensation should be directed to your local Human Resource Office.

Performance Management

The performance management process, including Performance Dialogues is completed in Workday. For details, visit the Performance Management section of this site. 


To create a goal for your team click on the Performance icon. Under Action click on the Add Goal to Employees button and proceed to fill in the name of the employee or group of employees you want to cascade the goal to as well as enter all of the other goal related fields.

Select FAQs

What is the difference between the Personal Goals, Goal Details, and Organizational Goals tabs?

The Personal Goals tab shows goals that you create for yourself, and that your leader creates for you. The Goal Details tab contains all of the basic goal information from the Personal Goals tab in a table-style view. The Organization Goals tab is where goals that are set at the College or Unit level would be viewed.

What is the difference between deleting a goal and marking its status as "On Hold"?

When handling a goal that may not be used during a given year there are two options, one is to Remove the goal. Doing this would permanently delete the goal from Workday (with no way to recover this information). Another option is to change that goal’s Status to On Hold. This moves the goal to the bottom of your Personal Goals profile tab where it can be updated in the future. 


The Custom Reports by Category worklet shows you categories of reports and tasks, to give you an idea of what is available in Workday. Please review the Workday Manager: How to Navigate guide to learn more about specific reports that may be valuable to you.


What reports are available to me?

Within the My Team Management app, available from the Menu option on the Home, there are two sections, Manager Reports by Categories and Top 5 Reports for Managers, that will give you access to top manager reports available in Workday. Please review the Workday Manager: How to Navigate guide to learn more about specific reports that may be valuable to you.

What is delegation and how may it be used?

Delegation is used to allow another employee to review and approve on your behalf. As a manager, you may wish to delegate your Time Entry and Time Off approval responsibilities to another. This can be done for short periods of time or on an on-going basis. In addition, an entire inbox can be delegated to another individual during a leave or vacation. Please see the Delegate Quick Reference guide to walk you through the necessary steps.

How can I view more detailed information about each of my direct reports?

Click on the My Team Management app from the Menu option on the Home page. This app will provide different views into your direct reports. Click on the link with their name and photo of each employee to view more details about that individual.

How can I see what HR changes have occurred to my employee?

To examine a specific employee’s compensation, click on the employee’s name from the My Team Management app, then click on the Worker History tab (may be visible via the More option).  This view contains a historical record of all the changes made to a worker, including changes to their job, position, compensation, etc. It is arranged by date.

How can I view Compensation information for my employees?

To examine a specific employee’s compensation, click on the employee’s name from the My Team Management app, then click on their Compensation tab.

How can view Time Off balances for my employees?

To view your employees’ time off balance, click on the Team Management app, Performance within Manager Reports by Categories, then select the Time Off Balances by Supervisory Organization report.

How do I approve Time Off Requests?

Time Off Requests will appear in your Inbox for review and approval. To learn about the specific steps to approve time, please see the Approving Time Off job aid.

How do Performance Reviews work?

When your team member has submitted their Self-Evaluation, you will receive a Manager Evaluation item in your Workday Inbox. You may also click on the Team Performance icon on your home page and click under View, My Team’s Performance Reviews. This report will show you the current status of each of your direct reports. If the current step states Complete Manager Evaluation, you may click on that employee’s performance review link to begin your evaluation.

Can I complete my Evaluation in advance of the employee completing their Self-Evaluation?

Employees begin the Performance Review process by answering the questions in the Self-Evaluation portion of Workday. Only you can view your responses while the Self- Evaluation is in progress. As such, it will be important to communicate deadlines so you have sufficient time to complete Evaluations for your direct reports.

How can I SEND BACK a review to an employee?

If an employee needs to make further revisions after they clicked on Submit button, you can “Send Back” their review, as needed. Within the Team Management app, in the Manager Reports by Category section, select Performance and then My Team’s Performance Reviews. Locate the correct review in the Performance Review column and click on the and then select Business Process > Manual Send Back.

How can my manager view my direct reports' reviews?

Your manager is still able to view your direct reports’ reviews, however, it is not a step in the formal performance review process. Instead, they may generate a report Employee Review by Supervisory Organization.

  1. Type the name of the report in the search box.
  2. Select the organization by typing in the manager’s name.
  3. To see all the employees’ reviews for the whole organization, click on the Include Subordinate Organizations box.