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Whether you're already a people leader, have recently become a people leader, or wish to move into a role leading people at Cornell, we offer a broad range of training opportunities to advance and hone people leader skills.


Free, online, supervisory training to bring out the best in yourself and others.

Supervising@Cornell isn't a one-time training, it's an ongoing commitment to developing the best in yourself and your staff. This online program enables you to access all the resources available at Cornell university, at your own pace and on your own schedule, wherever you are. It's offered free of charge to all staff, faculty, academic, and non-academic employees!


This online program enables you to access all the resources available at Cornell university, at your own pace and on your own schedule, wherever you are.

►Modules: Training modules are groups of courses focused on a specific topic area. There are 9 core modules: a fundamentals of supervisory skills module, a module dedicated to Cornell-specific content, and seven modules aligned to the Leadership Skills for Success. There is also an additional module option on the history of Cornell.

►On-Demand: This new module-based online program enables supervisors, as well as staff interested in moving into a supervisory role, to access courses on-demand when it works with their schedule. 

►Unlimited Access: once registered, users can relaunch the  course an unlimited number of times.

►Any Location:  Online learning enables supervisors across campuses and working remotely to  have access to the same training resources.

►Flexibility: Register for just the modules you want. Each module includes custom Cornell-specific courses, important messages from Cornell senior leaders, as well as select courses from eCornell and Skillsoft.

►No Testing: Supervising@Cornell is a knowledge-building program, not an assessment program.


Training modules are groups of courses focused on a specific topic area. There are 9 core modules: a fundamentals of supervisory skills module, a module dedicated to Cornell-specific content, and seven modules aligned to the Leadership Skills for Success.

Participants must complete SUPERHR500 "Welcome to Supervising at Cornell," which then permits access to all other courses in whatever order you choose.

Note: courses without hyperlinks are in development.

Supervisor Development Program

This is a multi-module curriculum and it is recommended you take these courses in sequence. Courses are 1.5 - 3 hours each, in addition to Supervising@Cornell pre-requisites.

All modules must be completed to receive a completion status and/or certificate for this course track. 

This curriculum has a one-click registration option. You will be registered for all next available classes in this curriculum on selecting the ‘Register’ action button.
To ensure your availability, be sure to 'VIEW CLASSES' for each class and individually select the dates you are available to attend.
Enroll for the People Leader Development Program in Workday Learning.

HR 2032: Key Expectations of People Leaders at Cornell

The first session is designed to introduce people leaders expectations and how it aligns to the mission of the university.

HR 2033 - Part 1: Legal and Policy Aspects of Leading People

This course is designed to familiarize people leaders with their managerial responsibility to understand the basic principles of labor relations and to know and follow relevant Cornell policies related to wage and hour administration. A general overview of Human Resources policies will be provided.

HR 2033 - Part 2: Legal and Policy Aspects of Leading People

This portion of the course is designed to familiarize people leaders with their managerial responsibilities to know and follow relevant Cornell policies related to preventing discrimination and harassment in the workplace and supporting legally-required job accommodations and leaves.

HR 2034: Problem Solving

This class focuses on three leading people skills: problem solving, applying judgment and decision making.

HR 2035: Inclusive Leadership:
Developing Intercultural Awareness for Effective Team Building

Cultivating organizational awareness for inclusive leadership moves the participant beyond simplistic understandings of diversity toward a working understanding of equitable and adaptive leadership frameworks.

HR 2036 - Part 1: Talent Acquisition - It Depends On The Lens,
Addressing Unconscious Bias in the Staff Search Process

The Cornell Interactive Theater Ensemble and the Cornell University Recruitment and Employment Center worked very closely to develop this interactive scenario on unconscious bias in the staff search process.

HR 2036 - Part 2: Talent Acquisition:
Best Practices for Recruitment and Retention

This session is designed to provide an overview of the recruitment and selection planning processes.  

HR 2037: Managing for Retention and Development

This session is designed to help people leaders manage the performance of their teams from setting expectations, giving feedback and finally conducting a formal performance review.

HR 2038: Supporting Employee Well-being and Career Development

This session will equip people leaders and prospective people leaders with the knowledge and resources necessary to support a culture of well-being and career development in the workplace.

People Leader Immersion & Reflection Program

Join us for a multi-day immersive and experiential People Leader training. We will operate on a cohort model with a high case study and interactive problems solving approach. Learning modules include, emotional intelligence (assessment included), coaching, conflict resolution (assessment included), tone setting and culture maintenance, career management, as well as cultural competency & belonging. Graduates of this program are expected to continue to create environments where individuals can thrive and feel they belong by leading, developing, and coaching their teams towards the accomplishment of the mission and vision of Cornell University.

Additional People Leader Courses

Leading in These Times

In this three-course track, people leaders will explore relationships, strategies for effective communications, coaching for performance and development, and how to tap into employee strengths and passions.

Register for Leading in these Times.

Building Trust

As a leader, it is your responsibility to establish trust and motivate the team to create an environment that encourages collaboration and partnership between colleagues.

Register for Building Trust.


These four courses offer effective techniques for facilitating business meetings, the importance of listening and techniques for effective listening and how to approach and manage difficult conversations.

Register for Communications.

Emotional Intelligence

The 7-part series begins by exploring our own self-perception and expression and move through how it effects our interpersonal relationships, decision making, and stress management.

Register for Emotional Intelligence.

Employee Engagement

Develop strategies to remain committed to workplace mission and vision while maintaining and enhancing your own wellbeing and develop strategies for cultivating a collaborative and empowering environment.

Register for Employee Engagement.

Explore More in Workday Learning

Workday Learning offers a large variety of live and on-demand training courses for employees of all experience and seniority levels. The Workday Learning course catalogue is searchable by keywords.

Explore more training courses and resources available through Workday Learning.

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