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Warning message

Graystone Group

In order to present Cornell in a professional and consistent manner, to simplify the process of placing employment ads in sources outside of Cornell, and to take advantage of significant cost savings, colleges/units are encouraged to take advantage of the services of the Graystone Group.

Advertising through the Graystone Group

The college or unit human resource office or designee working with the Graystone Group Advertising Agency is responsible for the placement, billing, and tracking of employment advertisements.

Graystone Group Fee Structure

  • Placement in a source that pays a commission to the agency: no additional fee for placement
  • Placement on a website: $50 fee per site
  • Placement in sources that don't pay a commission to the agency: administrative fee equal to 7% of the cost of the ad


  • Send ad copy via e-mail to using the Graystone Group classified advertisement e-mail template below. If you need an alternative way to send the Graystone Group the ad copy, call Graystone at (800) 544-0005.
  • At all times, Graystone personnel are available to discuss media, selection, timing, costs, etc.
  • Ads may be placed regionally, nationally and internationally
  • You will need to select discipline publications, providing the address and/or phone number to avoid a potential delay.

Types of Ads

Display (CD) ads are graphically enhanced and along with cost are faxed back for changes and or additions (unless indicated otherwise, Display ads will not be released without approval).

Line ads (in-column) ads are placed directly with the publication. Estimated costs are available prior to release. Actual costs (if time permits) will be furnished.


Sunday newspapers: Graystone must receive text for Display ads by 5 p.m. Wednesday or text for Line ads by 2p.m. Thursday.

If possible, send ads early in the week to allow for review and changes.


Invoice and proof of ad insertion (tear sheet) will be sent to appropriate source.

Advertising recaps available.

Graystone Advertisement E-mail Template

Follow these instructions to save the text of the message (after the instructions) as an e-mail template in Outlook.

  1. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Mail Message
  2. Address the message to:
  3. Copy the text below and paste it into the body of the message
  4. In the subject area, enter "Graystone Group Classified Advertisement"
  5. In the message window, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Save As
  6. In the Save As dialog box, in the Save as type list, click Outlook Template
  7. In the File name box, type Graystone to name your template and then click Save
  8. To access your template, click on the Tools menu, point to Forms, and then click Choose Form
  9. In the Choose Form dialog box, in Look In, click User Templates in File System
  10. Select the Graystone Template, and then click Open

Text to paste into the body of the message:

Graystone Group Advertising Classified Advertisement Placement

1.  Place an "X" next to the appropriate indicator:

          Display Ad
          Line Ad

2.  List the desired publications and insertion dates along with a position title (if in doubt, check with Graystone). Also please indicate preferred listing for newspaper insertion.

3.  Do you desire estimates prior to ad placement:


4.  Contact information, if unavailable for confirmation of ad release to publication(s), please indicate a person we can check with.

          Contact Name:     

5.  Copy of the ad language:

6.  Recruitsoft requisition number:

7.  Do you want Graystone to place the advertised position on the Web? If yes, please indicate the site(s).

          Yes, website URL:    