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Administration roles are crucial to every aspect of work at Cornell.

Administration at Cornell

Admin roles support every facet of the university: colleges and academics, labs and research, leadership and executive support, government and safety compliance, communications and technology, and much more. You may be interested in finding a role where you can expand skills, such as website maintenance or event planning; or you may want to join a team in an area where you have a personal passion, like the Lab of Ornithology or Student and Campus Life. There are over 1,300 administrative positions at Cornell.

Teambuilding and Versatility: This is a great area to work if you enjoy helping people and "wearing many hats." Administrative roles at Cornell vary widely depending on where you work. This job family offers many opportunities to advance and move between different areas of the university.

Types of Jobs

Administrative roles at Cornell typically center around different support functions for colleges and units, which may include scheduling, project coordination, purchasing, events, communications, reception, data management, and much more. There are many opportunities to advance into managerial roles. Cornell offers a wide range of professional development and skills training to empower you to move your administrative career forward!

Career Navigator

Learn more about specific Administrative roles at Cornell and the types of skills and experience required in our Career Navigator Tool.

  • Login as a guest
  • Select Administration from the Job Structure list.
  • Click on different Job Titles to read general descriptions and requirements
  • You can view pay ranges in the Job Profile Attributes tab at the bottom of the page.
  • These are generic job descriptions only; responsibilities and requirements of actual job openings will vary by individual role.
  • Current Job Openings: check the upper right corner to see whether any job openings for this title are currently available.

Trisica Munroe outdoors next to glassy building

Trisica Munroe

“What impacts a student, staff or faculty’s experience can sometimes begin with someone like me or someone within a role like mine. So, I want to create an environment as positive as possible. I see the need to be a person who ensures that people have an equitable, fair and just experience. It’s important for me to show up and be that person in this space.”

Read Trisica's journey from admin assistant to director of administrationSee More Staff Stories