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Cornell Speak

view of sage hall in autumn late afternoon light

A guide to some common Cornell acronyms and expressions.


AA&D Alumni Affairs and Development

AAP Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning

A&S Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences

Akwe:kon (“a-gway’-go”) means "all of us;" nation's first university residence hall established to celebrate American Indian culture and heritage

ATS Academic Technology Services


BAC Belonging at Cornell

Blue Lights Indicators of outdoor emergency telephones that directly call CU Police

Brooks Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy


CAPE Cornell Academics and Professors Emeriti

CAU Cornell Adult University

CALS Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

CBS Cornell Business Services

CCA Cornell Council for the Arts

CCAPS Cornell Center for Radiophysics and Planetary Sciences

CCE Cornell Cooperative Extension

CCC Computing and Communications Center, home of CIT

CHE Cornell University College of Human Ecology

CHESS Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source

CISER Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research

CIT Cornell Information Technologies

CIVR Campus Information and Visitor Relations

COE Cornell Outdoor Education

Cornell Bowers CIS Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science

Cornell SCE Cornell University School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions

CRC Cornell Recreation Connection

CRESP Center for Religion, Ethics, and Social Policy

CTE Center for Teaching Excellence

CUinfo University’s computerized information system

CUPD Cornell University Police Department

CURW Cornell United Religious Work

CVM Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine


DFA Division of Financial Affairs

DIB Department of Inclusion and Belonging


EARS Empathy, Assistance, and Referral Service (peer counseling)

EH&S Environmental Health and Safety


FALCON Full-Year Asian Language Concentration

FSAP Faculty and Staff Assistance Program


Ganędagǫ Residence Hall; meaning "it's in the hill," the ancestral name for the land upon which Cornell is built in the Gayogo̱hó:nǫ language


HEOP Higher Education Opportunity Program 

Hot Truck Truck on west campus serving fast food


IC Ithaca College

ILR Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations

IRIS Institute for Resource Information Sciences

ISSO International Students and Scholars Office


JA Judicial Administrator 


LGBT RC Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center

Libe Slope The hill between Uris Library and the west campus residence halls

Louie’s Lunch Truck on north campus serving fast food


Martha Van or MVR Martha Van Rensselaer Hall 


NAIC National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center 

NBTC Nanobiotechnology Center 

NYSAES New York State Agricultural Experiment Station 


ORIE Operations Research and Industrial Engineering 

OSP Office of Sponsored Programs


PADE Presidential Advisors on Diversity and Equity

PSC Public Service Center 


RI Roosevelt Island (where CornellNYC Tech is being built; to open in 2017)

ROTC Reserve Officers Training Corps

RPCC Robert Purcell Community Center


SC Johnson Cornell SC Johnson College of Business

SCL Student & Campus Life

SHARE Sexual Harassment and Assault - Response and Education

SUNY State University of New York, which partially funds Cornell’s state-assisted colleges


Tatkon or the Tat Carol Tatkon Center in South Balch Hall 

TCAT Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit bus system 


Ujamaa (“Oo’-ja-mah”) Residence focused on African culture


WCM-Q Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar

Weill Cornell Weill Medical College of Cornell University

WSH or The Straight Willard Straight Hall, Cornell’s student union


Zeus or Temple of Zeus Café in Klarman Hall