Medicare-Eligible Plan Options
Aetna Retiree Medical Plan Options
Cornell Medicare eligible retirees have a choice between two Medicare-based health insurance plans administered by Aetna for retirees, or, individuals who are eligible for Medicare due to attainment of age 65, or 24-months of SSDI:
- Aetna Retiree 80/20 Plan with OptumRx prescription drug coverage, or
- Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan with prescription drug coverage provided by Aetna MedicareRx.
Medicare becomes the primary insurer when you are eligible for Medicare and enrolled as a retiree or, on Long Term Disability. Once Aetna Retiree Service Center receives your eligibility, you will received a detailed enrollment guide in the mail including information about your plan options, premium payments, coverage questions and address changes. The participating provider network differs from the active Aetna plans at Cornell University. It is imperative you check with your providers and medical facilities to confirm acceptance of Medicare and/or Aetna Medicare Advantage (MAPD) when reviewing coverage in retirement. Aetna Retiree Service Center is available to assist you: 1-800-338-4533 or
- An Endowed benefits-eligible** retiree age 65+ who is Medicare-eligible or
- An Endowed benefits-eligible** employee on Long-Term Disability receiving Social Security Disability who is Medicare-eligible
Dependents: Spouse/Domestic Partner and/or Children
- The retiree must qualify for one of Cornell’s endowed retiree medical plans for a spouse/domestic partner and/or child(ren) to be enrolled, and
- Must be age 65+ and Medicare-eligible, or
- Be receiving Social Security Disability and be Medicare-eligible.
Important: If you decide to cancel your retiree health insurance at any time for any reason, you will not be able to re-enroll at a later date. Upon your cancellation, the health insurance coverage is forfeited for yourself and your covered dependents.
Compare Plans
- 2025 Endowed Retiree Health Plan Rates (pdf)
- Retiree Health Plan Comparison (pdf)
- What is Medicare and what does it cover? (pdf)
- Aetna Medicare Plan FAQs
Enrollment, Coverage, & Billing Questions
Aetna Retiree Service Center (Medical Plans)
- Aetna’s Retiree Service Center will be able to answer your questions about the Retiree plan options, enrollment, billing, cost, and ID cards. Please make all address changes into retirement directly with Aetna Retiree Service Center.
- 800-338-4533 (TTY: 711)
- Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm ET
OptumRx (Prescription Drug Coverage)
- 866-533-6977
Social Security Administration
- 1-800-772-1213
- 1-800-633-4227
*Endowed benefits-eligible retirees under age 65 who are ineligible for Medicare are enrolled in the Retiree Pre-Medicare Health Plan.
**If you are uncertain of your eligibility status for this benefit, please contact your HR representative to review. If you are already retired and have questions regarding your eligibility for yourself and/or applicable dependents, please contact Aetna’s Retiree Service Center.
While every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of this Summary, in the event of any discrepancy the Summary Plan Description and Plan Document will prevail.