Retiree Report Comments: Travel

We are interested in learning more about Cornell retiree travel. Please share any details or stories about your travel as a retiree during the past 5 years here. Note: most of the following listings are categorized based on the first destination listed, or by the destination described in the greatest detail.
- We were fortunate to have chosen mid-March of this year to finally go out to California to see the desert wildflower spring bloom. We had never done it before, and this year was spectacular. We spent the bulk of our time at Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Joshua Tree National Park, and the Mojave National Preserve. Last month we also redid a trip we did five years ago to Washington, DC with our grandson, his wife, and our two great-granddaughters. They all love to travel, and it is always lots of fun to do things with them.
- I have traveled with my siblings doing genealogy research for their Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) interests. We have visited libraries and historical societies in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont. I also have used the online access of Ancestry through Cornell's library!
- My retirement trip was an 18-day trip which involved taking a train from Syracuse, NY round trip to Flagstaff, AZ. We then rented a car and spent two weeks exploring the Grand Canyon, Sedona, an animal preserve in Williams, AZ, Sunset Crater Volcano, and Wupatki National Monument. We drove through Monument Valley on our way to Moab, UT where we visited Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. Next we drove to Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks. Then onto Kanab, UT to visit Best Friends Animal Sanctuary at Angel Canyon. Then back to Flagstaff for another couple of days then back on the train. It was a very relaxed trip. We never felt rushed and every day we saw scenery we thought could not get any better—until the next day.
- Our goal is to travel to all 50 states, and in order for us to count a state, we must spend at least one night in the state. We have three more to go.
- I took a car trip up the coast of Maine ending at the eastern-most point in the USA—Lubec, ME, and a car trip to Colorado going through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Kansas. I stayed at BnBs, rented a home in Rocky Mountain National Park, and took several hikes, bike rides, and fishing trips!
- Since I have family and friends in quite a few states, and my younger son and his family live in south central Illinois, I find opportunities to visit when I can. I'm actually planning on a month-long trip from mid-May to mid-June—traveling to western Pennsylvania to see my mother and siblings, through Ohio up into the thumb of Michigan for a grand niece's wedding, then down through Indiana to Illinois. From there I head south to western Tennessee, then east with stops to visit cousins in Georgia and Florida before stopping to see a former housemate in eastern Tennessee and heading back to western Pennsylvania and then home to New York. My longest trip was in 2015 when I took seven weeks and traveled in and out of 23 states (some more than once). With two short trips the evening I got back to New York and for groceries the next day, that trip was 5,002 miles. That trip took me the furthest south to Houston, TX. Lots of family and friends welcomed me, so I spent only two nights in hotels/motels.
- I have visited North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia, and Louisiana. I was in Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina. I was fifty-five miles from New Orleans. We were without electricity, etc. for a week. Some of the relatives went there to help. It was horrible. I have no words to express it.
- My wife and I have made several trips to Boston, as well as a three-day train trip from Syracuse to Seattle. We saw great scenery and met very interesting people.
- We go to visit our daughter and grandchildren in Oregon once every year. We also visit my wife's sister in Lancaster, PA every year. We have also visited a family house on Cape Cod every year except last year.
- I traveled to historical places in the Southeast including Winston-Salem, NC; Williamsburg, VA; and Charleston, SC.
- I traveled to Denver, CO with my daughter-in-law and grandsons while my daughter-in-law attended a conference. I visited with a high school friend who gave us sightseeing excursions. I traveled to Florida for a vacation to visit friends. I traveled back to New York many times to visit family.
- I moved to South Carolina and travel to New York to see family and friends. I have gone to Florida to an international quilt show.
- I've traveled to South Carolina, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia several times. Within New York State, I regularly travel to Lake George, Niagara Falls, and Letchworth State Park. Most trips are with my husband, but on several occasions our trips have included our sons and their families.
- We visit the East Coast quite often, visiting family and friends in Asheville, Charleston, Myrtle Beach, and Florida.
- I travel to Hawaii every year (except two).
- I took a 2016 Hawaiian vacation with the group of women who were in my lab when I was studying for my PhD (at Cornell).
- I go to New York City to attend a screenwriting seminar; Tybee Island, GA to visit a friend; and Richmond, VA to visit family.
- I went on a family Disney trip with my children and grandkids last October.
- I mainly traveled alone to southern gospel events promoted by Abraham Productions for artists, radio, and production industries for that genre of music in Gatlinburg, TN and Myrtle Beach, SC.
- My husband and I took a road trip which was a dream of ours. We went to the Southwest and to the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Las Vegas, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, and across the south on the way out and took the northern route on the way back.
- I've traveled via airplane only once when I had to fly to Texas for my sister's funeral. Otherwise, I've driven to see family and friends, whether it was a three-, four-, or seven-week trip. I've stopped at some interesting attractions en route, mostly to see structural feats or interesting attractions.
- I travel to Florida and to the national parks in the West—Bryce, Zion, Grand Canyon—and to Monument Valley.
- We have a Mustang convertible and have traveled old Route 1 from Fort Kent, ME to Key West, FL. We also traveled the Shenandoah Parkway, the Blue Ridge Parkway, and the Smokey Mountains for our 50th wedding anniversary.
- My children currently live in California and Colorado, so we tend to visit them over Thanksgiving or Christmas.
- I took a 15-day cross country Amtrak trip with my son, also a Cornell grad, in the summer of 2018.
- I traveled by plane to Montana, and after spending time there traveled by vehicle to Central Florida, stopping in various states along the way.
- I've made several trips to Virginia and the Maryland/Pennsylvania/Delaware/New Jersey area for equestrian events that I've participated in: three sidesaddle clinics, a week-long sidesaddle camp, and fox hunting (side saddle) with two hunts in Virginia.
- Every year, we drive out West to bow hunt for antelope or elk and stop along the way to visit interesting places. For example, we stopped at Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse monument last year. This year, we plan to visit the Badlands in South Dakota.
- I take many visits to timeshares, especially in Virginia.
- I traveled to western New York and to Rehoboth, DE every year for vacation.
- Recently I took a bus trip with a couple friends to see New York City "on your own." We experienced the subway, walked the Brooklyn Bridge, went to Ground Zero, took the Staten Island Ferry, and enjoyed Katz' Delicatessen fare.
- I traveled to Arizona and Hawaii.
- I spend several weeks each summer on the shore in Massachusetts.
- I am catching up with relatives and friends in Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. I am also visiting many historical sites and museums in NYS.
- I have visited family in Florida, North Carolina, and Tennessee. I have gone on trips to plays, luncheons, and concerts with the Danby Seniors group.
- I have gone on tours to Savannah, GA and Charlotte, SC. I travel to Chicago and suburban Pittsburgh.
- I travel to a camp in the Adirondacks during spring, summer, and fall, as well as doing group travel to NYC theatre events.
- I traveled to visit family and friends in NYC; Washington, DC; North Carolina; and Rochester, NY.
- I have taken several driving trips: West Coast (two months), Alaska (three months), and Midwest (five weeks).
- I traveled to Pennsylvania to see my family.
- I visited my daughter in Seattle several times.
- I have taken several trips to Orlando, a trip to St. Augustine, and a trip to Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York.
- I traveled to visit my partner's children in Edmonds, WA and San Francisco, CA. I traveled to Kansas City, MO to attend my grandson's high school graduation (now a freshman in CU Engineering School).
- We have traveled to visit friends and family in the U.S. I organized a family reunion in Arizona shortly after my retirement. I took a short late-spring vacation to NYC. We would like to do more international travel when my husband retires.
- We take a yearly trip to Old Forge (NY) with our grandchildren.
- I spent a week in Vermont with family members in February, 2018.
- We've traveled to Washington, DC; some of the southern states (Florida); western states (Nevada, Arizona, California); and with a Swarthout bus tour to Cape Cod, MA.
- My family is in the south, so I go there often to visit and hang at the beach. My oldest daughter is a judge in Albany, so I go there often to visit her as well. I love going to NYC also, and have been there several times. Florida, Alabama, and Atlanta, GA are my go-to places.
- I spend one week a year in Ocean City, MD; one month a year in Marco Island, FL in the spring; two weeks every year hunting in Wyoming in the fall; and several weekends a year in the St. Lawrence area.
- Twice a year, I spend several days in the Adirondacks.
- My travel includes: senior citizens trips, Cayuga Bird Club field trips, and visiting family in Massachusetts, California, Colorado, and Texas.
- My wife and I go to Florida for a week in the early spring, when her health permits.
- I combined travel to my husband's conferences with visits to our grandkids in Albuquerque.
- My brother and I have made about eight one-week road trips, mostly through the U.S. Heartland.
- I drove the Alaska Highway from Denver, CO to Anchorage, AK with my cousin, then flew back alone to Denver.
- A lot of my travel is for the American Temperament Test Society (ATTS). We do canine temperament testing. I do about three tests per year in New York State. It is a volunteer job, takes three days with travel, and has very little compensation. It is enjoyable in seeing all the different dogs reacting to the test.
- In the summer I do assessments for BSA Boy Scout camps and program and safety for Trek's and High Adventure programs.
- I have gone to NYC and Philadelphia to see a concert.
- I have traveled to biotech companies in California.
- I have traveled to Florida a few times and to Tennessee.
- I have vacationed on Cape Cod every year since 1976. In the past year, I traveled to California and Arizona.
- My primary destination is to the national parks of the U.S., especially Grand Teton National Park. I travel as much as possible with family and friends. I am able to support the cost of my family to travel with me.
- I have traveled to various states to visit family members.
- I visit friends and family in the U.S.
- I visited California for the first time since the 1970s; it has gotten really expensive to live there.
- I travel to the West Coast and East Coast to visit family.
- I spent 18 years in Florida during the winter (for five months).
- My children and grandchildren live in the Southwest; I go to New Mexico and Arizona.
- I joined fellow motorcycle riders for rides primarily within a 200-mile radius, with the exception of riding in Florida.
- I am very fortunate to have a timeshare that my father owns. I have used it to travel all over the U.S. and have taken my children and grandchildren with me.
- I take family vacations to Florida, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina. I also visited Las Vegas.
- We travel to Florida twice a year.
- I vacationed in Florida in the winter.
- I travel to Miami periodically to visit my sister and nieces and nephew—and we enjoy hanging out together.
- I drove to the South Carolina beaches.
- I visited Alaska and Arizona to see friends and former neighbors.
- I take trips to Florida, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, visiting friends and family.
- I travel around New York, New England, and Florida.
- I enjoy summer stays in Massachusetts.
- I visit my son and granddaughter in Georgia.
- Annually we spent time in New Mexico, mostly in Santa Fe.
- I traveled to various states for sheep and fiber festivals.
- In the past few years, my travel has been limited to NYS and the U.S. Many trips have been motivated by photography.
- One-day trips are for me. The trip I took was to QVC. It was very enjoyable and I learned a lot. I'm planning to take a trip to a flower show next spring.
- I am really not the traveling type of guy, but every year we go to the Carolinas and Pennsylvania to visit family and friends.
- Last fall my husband and I visited states north/east of NYS, my husband's wish. I have gone several times south to North Carolina where my youngest son and family live. I have visited another one of my children in Pennsylvania more often. Due to my husband's health, we have not been able to travel more.
- My travel has been limited to the southern U.S. the last few years—due to health reasons.
- We are not able to travel much given our mothers' illnesses. However, we have gone three times to the mountains in North Carolina in August to escape the Hilton Head heat.
- We have a daughter and two granddaughters living in Oregon and we visit them once each year. Initially we made the trip by train, but due to recent health issues, we have gone by plane.
- Our travel has been limited to the Adirondacks and New England states for family gatherings, and a trip to Chicago to accept an award.
- My health limits my travel, but I have done some travel within the U.S., including attending a family reunion.
- I visit friends and relatives within the state.
- I spend time wintering in the Southwest.
North America
- I take my daughter, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter to the Shaw Theatre Festival in Niagara-on- the-Lake and to the Stratford Theatre Festival in Stratford, Ontario. Both are in Canada.
- Every year, I visit the Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, Canada for a long weekend. I see plays; meet friends old and new; and visit wineries, museums, galleries, and other attractions including restaurants, retail stores, and a chocolate factory. I also take one-day and half-day trips to local places of interest, as well as Sunday drives to see the scenery.
- I take train trips across the U.S. and Canada.
- My granddaughter plays hockey; I am able to travel in the U.S. and Canada to watch her games. I also travel to visit family in the Carolinas, to Florida to get away from the cold, and to the Outer Banks as a family vacation.
- We visited Napa, CA; Seattle, WA; Vancouver, Canada; New England; Tampa Bay, FL; New Orleans, LA; Green Valley, AZ; Victorville, CA (including Joshua Tree); San Diego, CA; and Arches in Utah. Most of these trips involved visiting family members who are scattered or joined us on our trips.
- We enjoy road travel in the U.S. and Canada. Recently we drove to Cajun Country in Louisiana to celebrate Mardi Gras, as we have done for several years. We go to catch up with friends and enjoy the Cajun food and the pre-Mardi Gras musical performances.
- I relocated from NYS to Oregon. I have visited Alaska, Hawaii, and Mexico.
- I went to British Columbia, Vancouver, and Victoria in July 2016; Arkansas in October 2016; Florida and North Carolina in November 2017; Florida in March 2019; and Alaska in May 2019.
- I now live in the westernmost part of Canada—Vancouver Island, British Columbia (BC). Most trips are nature related whereby there are opportunities to photograph landscapes, birds, bears, and other wildlife. Annual trips are made to southeastern Arizona each winter (mostly birds), along the coast and interior of BC (mostly birds, bears, and orcas), and the U.S. West Coast (birds again).
- We have traveled to visit family and for vacations to various destinations in the U.S. and Canada including Houston, Orlando, Buffalo, Knoxville, New Mexico, NYC, and Kingston in Ontario.
- I mostly traveled with kids to museums (e.g. the Strong National Museum of Play and science ones in Ithaca, Rochester, and Syracuse), parks, and zoos. I traveled to Puerto Rico last year for my 40th high school reunion. I have also visited Howe Caverns, beaches, and lakes.
- I enjoyed a 50th Anniversary cruise with family. I also travel to NYC several times, Toronto, Quebec City, the Maritime Provinces, and Virginia Beach.
- I visited national parks, Florida, Alaska, Hawaii, and western Canada.
- I took a Mission trip to Mexico and did some carpentry work there.
- I visit family in Virginia Beach and Denver, as well as all lower 48 states and Canada via car.
- I go on resort vacations in the U.S. and camping in the U.S. and Canada.
- Most recently, I took my son and two grandsons to Venice, Italy for a week to introduce them to world travel.
- I go to Italy every few years.
- I went to a villa in Tuscany, Italy with 18 friends for a week last fall.
- My wife and I had a wonderful vacation in Rome, Italy. Being Roman Catholic, this was an especially interesting and exciting adventure for us.
- My international travel has been to Central and Western Europe. Two trips were to attend professional meetings and one was to conduct genealogical research. All travel was self-arranged. Destinations have included Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, and Austria.
- I take annual trips to Paris and Berlin, and occasional trips to Spain.
- I enjoyed spas in Spain and Germany.
- I have a second residence in Berlin.
- We live in Spain more than half the year, and visit Germany regularly as our son and his family live there.
- I travel to Eastern Europe to visit my wife's family. While there, we take vacations to other countries in the area.
- My wife and I went to a linguistics meeting in Slovenia, and we also visited the town of Nova Gorica, right on the border with Italy. That area used to be a contested region, with some of the bloodiest fighting in World War I, then a heavily-defended border, with barbed wire and police dogs, but since Slovenia joined the European Union and the Schengen agreement, there is no border control there at all—you just walk across. I have a picture of my wife standing with one foot in Nova Gorica, Slovenia, and the other foot in Gorizia, Italy. All borders should be like that.
- I have traveled visiting family and German sites.
All Around the World
- Antarctica was my biggest adventure.
- In the past five years, I have been in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, and Iceland. Actually these trips were with my daughter and her family and not with a group as my earlier travel was. I have been to all continents except Antarctica.
- During the first five years following retirement, I traveled internationally to visit professional colleagues at the sites where they conducted their research on species of interest. These mostly involved trips to Australia to visit sites where parallel work to my own was being conducted on cooperatively breeding bird species living in harsh, unpredictable environments. These visits informed the papers I am still writing (on the importance of volatile environments in shaping the evolution of complex, cooperative societies in avian species).
- I travel extensively. I have gone on numerous safaris and have vacationed in Italy, New Zealand, Fiji, South Africa, Tanzania, and other African countries. I am traveling to Mexico, London, and Canada this summer.
- I traveled to Turkey, Australia, Israel, Croatia, and Puerto Rico. Much of the travel involved biking and hiking, playing music, and volunteering.
- My best trip ever was a trip to South Africa in which my husband hunted and I was an observer. We also toured Krueger National Park and other sites in South Africa.
- My husband was staffing the Cornell alumni trip to Ukraine and I assisted; the boat ran into a sand bar and took on water. We had to evacuate all the alumni in the middle of the night and wait on a dock in the dark until we were transported to a former Communist hotel. We have been to Africa twice—the second time a Cornell alum insisted we go to the safari camps he selected and he offered to pay our bills!
- I travel with friends from high school through Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, and Bolivia. I travel with family members in Italy, France, and Spain.
- I have traveled to countries in South America (Argentina, Chile, Peru, and Bolivia) and in Europe (Italy, Switzerland, and Spain).
- I've given lectures in Saigon and Istanbul as an attendee at scientific meetings. I combined vacation and sightseeing with these business trips.
- I traveled to the Amazon in Peru, UK, Italy, Israel, etc.
- In the past five years, I have taken two nature trips to Africa, one to Australia, and one to Belize and Guatemala.
- I lived in South Australia for 15 months; Brisbane, Queensland for 12 months; and Costa Rica for 8 months. I traveled in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia for one month. I traveled in Belize, Guatemala, New Zealand, UK, and Ireland. I also housesat off-the-grid in Hawaii for three months.
- As an active member of an international professional organization, I attend the annual symposia and combine this attendance with tourism nearby to symposia locations. This has included trips to Brazil (Rio and Brasilia); the Netherlands and Belgium; Tokyo and Kyoto; Hamburg and Copenhagen; and Boston/Cambridge.
- We spent a month in Vietnam during winter 2016, a month on Gran Canaria during winter 2018, and two months in the Canaries (Tenerife and Gran Canaria) in 2019. We also spend each September in the Greek Islands of Sifnos, Serifos, and Amorgos.
- I have traveled to Russia, Cuba, and Italy.
- I go to South America, UK, and Singapore.
- I take annual month-long visits to Japan.
- I went to the Czech Republic to visit relatives. I visited my daughter who's in the Peace Corps in Madagascar.
- I traveled to Europe, South America, and the Caribbean.
- I did all my traveling between my 2000 retirement and 2014: New Zealand, Germany, France, and Switzerland. Many trips were with my wife, although she was in a wheelchair.
- I went on a nature/birding trip to Bhutan. Simply being and traveling in Bhutan for a period of time is a cultural adventure.
- We go to Aruba for four weeks each year, with some of our children and grandchildren staying with us for two of the weeks. We enjoyed cruising for years. We were much more active before we aged past 90.
- We went on a vacation to the Dominican Republic with my sister-in-law to celebrate my retirement.
- I have attended Fulbright and Fulbright training in the Caribbean.
- I went to Tobago with my wife, in support of her involvement with Ithaca Dragonboat racing.
- I have traveled to Italy several times. I also took a windjammer cruise in the Caribbean.
- We visited Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia over three weeks.
- I have traveled to Roatan, Honduras several times.
- I have taken bicycle tours in Thailand, Vietnam, Tasmania, Croatia, Estonia, Netherlands, and Canada (Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island). I have taken vacations in Ecuador (twice), Botswana, Namibia, California, Germany, England, and Spain.
- I took a trip to Africa for two weeks with dear friends, an annual trip with Cornell friends, and visits with families to the Otesaga Hotel.
- I have traveled to Scotland, Japan, France, and England.
- I have taken 15 trips around the world.
- I have been to many countries. It is very enlightening.
Both International and National
- We made a conscious decision that we would travel as much as possible during our first five years after retiring—while we are still healthy and able. We have been taking three or four major trips a year—some travel in the U.S., but mostly in Europe (France, England, and Scotland).
- Since retirement, we have enjoyed Ireland, Italy, Turkey, Spain, Greece, South America, and driving coast-to- coast in the U.S. We hiked, cruised, paddled, and explored cultural activities and natural beauty everywhere—loving every minute. Bhutan and South Africa are next.
- I traveled to Switzerland and France for family genealogy research and to Austria/Vienna. I visited Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks, Mount Rushmore, Devil's Rock, and Cheyanne Rodeo. I take annual trips to Florida and Charleston, SC.
- My most recent trip was to Elegant Ireland in March/April 2019. This was a wonderful trip. We traveled by bus starting in Dublin and ending in Shannon. We stayed in a couple of castles along the way. Last year we cruised to Alaska and traveled by land to see Denali. Other places I've visited are Canada and various places in the U.S. In August of this year, we are traveling to South Dakota to visit Mt. Rushmore and other sites. Then in 2020, we have a cruise to Scandinavia booked where we will visit Copenhagen, Berlin, Tallinn, Estonia, St. Petersburg, Helsinki, and Stockholm.
- As a retiree, I have traveled to Brazil, India, Washington State, Matinicus Rock (ME), and many local trips, mostly for nature-related observations and studies. I have given several talks after my return about my trips to organizations like Lifelong, Cayuga Bird Club, Campus Bird Study group, some local schools, and other local organizations such as Sterling Nature Preserve, etc.
- I have taken trips to Italy and Ireland. I did a cross-country tour from Raleigh, NC to Seattle, WA.
- I have traveled to Alaska, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, and India.
- I took a Mediterranean cruise with Stanford Alumni tours, visited with friends in Florida, and traveled within NYS to the Hudson River area, NYC, Woodstock, and other Upstate locales.
- I spent April 2018 in Australia with friends and relatives, weeks at Chautauqua (NY), time in Denver (I own a condo) with friends and relatives, and time in the Adirondacks.
- I go to Venice every January/February for one to two weeks. I have been to: Cornwall, UK; Oslo, Norway; London, UK; Brittany, France; Edinburgh, UK; Morocco; Lima, Peru; and Whitby, UK. I have been to Cuenca, Ecuador three times to visit my sister who emigrated there. I went to Saguache and Ouray, Colorado to visit my nephew. I get to NYC once or twice a year, and to various places around the state about once a year.
- I do a mixture of international and domestic travel, and a mixture of pure leisure and lifelong learning programs such as Road Scholar. My travel has included the Far East, Australia, Europe (both western and eastern), and Africa (both sub-Sahara and South Africa).
- We own a house in Jamaica, West Indies and spend winters there. We also travel every August to the Pyrotechnics Guild's annual convention which has been located in different states in the U.S.—Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania, North Dakota and this year in Gillette, Wyoming. While going to or from the convention, we plan our travel to visit friends and other places of interest along the way. We also visit national quilt shows in different states—Kentucky, Michigan, and New York most recently.
- I spent five months in the mountains of western North Carolina as a volunteer, but also as a tourist. Door County, Wisconsin is a treasure. I recently traveled with my son to my mother's native country, Chile.
- I take eight to twelve trips per year including large trips (over two weeks), and smaller, long weekends to places like NYC. Since 2014, I have been to about five or six countries and ten to twelve states. Most summers I spend two to three weeks exploring the national parks of the West (Glacier, Tetons, Yellowstone, Mt. Rainier, Bryce, Zion, etc). And most recently, I've explored closer to home: Catskills, New Hampshire, Smokies, Williamsburg, Shenandoah, and Poconos. My next trips: Iceland and Patagonia.
- I spend a month in Florida each winter. I travel to Europe several times per year (sometimes associated with a professional meeting, sometimes not).
- I serve as faculty for Cornell student trips to India and China. I travel to UK, Europe, and the Caribbean accompanying my spouse to conferences. I travel around the U.S. to visit my children and around NYS to see friends or for general tourism.
- I have traveled for a week or less each summer to see plays at the Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake. I vacationed last year in Australia and New Zealand and in Copenhagen and Norway. In prior years, I've traveled to Spain, Portugal, and France. All this travel has been with tour groups—some of the trips were organized for Cornell alumni or otherwise Cornell-affiliated. My wife and I also organized a family trip to Rome and the Amalfi Coast in Italy. We also travel with some regularity to see family and friends in NYC, Long Island, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, and California. Most recently we attended a family wedding and visited Cornell graduate school friends near Sacramento.
- My wife and I frequently travel to stay at our village house in LePuy en Velay, Haute-Loire department, France. We recently visited our oldest daughter, who lives in Orinda, California and just purchased a second home in Ste. Maxime, France on the Mediterranean coast. For the last five years, we've made several trips to visit our youngest daughter, her husband, and their five kids in Germany. Along the way we've visited friends in Scotland, England, Slovakia, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Iceland, Ecuador, and Costa Rica.
- In the summer of 2018, we drove to western Nebraska to visit my husband's extended family. We also went to North Carolina because he was playing in an electronic music festival. This year (2019), we spent three weeks in the UK—Reading, Bath, Cardiff (Wales), and Cornwall.
- I've been retired for two years now, and last fall took a river cruise on the Danube. I visited Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, and Austria; after the cruise, I spent some time in Prague. I've also been out to Colorado, am planning a trip to Alaska for next year, and will be spending a week in Saratoga this summer during the racing meet. I also take frequent day trips and overnight trips around the region and NYS.
- We live five to six months per year in Hilton Head Island, and travel throughout the East Coast. We have taken ocean cruises in Europe and visited the Dominican Republic several times. We also have been to Norfolk, VA; Salt Lake City, UT; Las Vegas, NV; and throughout Florida. We also make periodic visits to NYC.
- My wife and I have traveled in the U. S., Canada, Europe, and Russia.
- My husband and I have traveled extensively both to Europe (mainly Germany, France, and Italy) and to various destinations in the U.S. including: Yellowstone, Montana (Bitteroot Valley), New Mexico (Albuquerque, Taos, and Santa Fe), Seattle, Houston, Michigan, and Vancouver. We have also traveled in NYS—Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and New York City, where we maintain a second home.
- Since my retirement from the Arecibo Observatory, my wife (who is still employed) and I have traveled to Columbia, Panama, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Cuba, and all the Lesser Antilles. I visited my sister in Oahu, HI where "rock fever" is common. I got reacquainted with individuals in Panama, Columbia, and Grenada whom I had known during my time when I was actually on the Cornell campus.
- I take an annual vacation in the Adirondacks—doing day hikes and canoeing. I travel to Canada for hiking, canoeing, conferences, and urban tourism. For rural and urban tourism, I travel to Spain, Portugal, Italy, Taiwan, Australia, Southern France, and Scotland. I go on research-related travel to Chile and Peru.
- I went on a cruise with my sister to Europe. We went to Barcelona, Spain; Cannes, Frances; and Naples, Rome, and Vatican City, Italy. It was such an amazing trip. I also visited friends in Florida and Arizona. My husband and I most recently purchased a one-week condo timeshare in Ormond Beach, Florida.
- Since last fall, we have been to NYC for fun, London and surroundings with our daughter who lives there, Italy, Trinidad and Tobago, and west Texas (hill country and Big Bend National Park).
- I have been to Paris! I traveled there twice within six months last year because our daughter was living there. This year, I will visit a new baby in September on the East Coast (I am in Kansas).
- I enjoyed two trips to Ireland (2009 and 2013) and have traveled closer to home (NYS, Canada) recently. I think we may have another journey back to Ireland in us, and soon, hopefully, one to Nova Scotia.
- I have traveled to Ireland, France, and Costa Rica. I have also cruised to Bermuda and the Western Caribbean. Recently, I went to North Carolina and have traveled around Florida, where I currently live.
- I have gone backpacking with one or both of my children to the Grand Tetons, the Maroon Bells (in the Colorado Rockies), the Smoky Mountains, and this summer to Jasper National Park in Canada. My wife and I have gone to Ireland to visit her family a few times. We've also gone to California to visit her sister. We go to Boston and Florida occasionally to visit our children.
- Our granddaughter lives in Freiburg, Germany, so we spend some vacation time there. I occasionally accompany my husband when he goes on business trips to Costa Rica or Mexico, and it's a vacation for me.
- We usually spend Christmas vacation with our extended family in Franklin, MA. Last year our second grandchild was born in Boulder, CO, so we've already taken two little vacations to see him and his parents.
- We spend time visiting relatives who are also aging. We have especially enjoyed visiting unusual places like Churchill, Manitoba to see polar bears, Costa Rica to see a plethora of wildlife, Yellowstone in the winter to view the wolves and other winter wildlife, and the Galapagos Islands.
- My wife and I have taught English for Word of Life International's School for Youth Ministries (SYME) for eight to nine weeks in South Korea, Taiwan, and Nicaragua for the past five years. We teach reading, writing, pronunciation, conversation, and a bible class. Students must speak English all the time. We also made a trip to South Korea in 2018 to attend a wedding of a student we taught in the SYME program. We have a home in Florida and spend three to four months a year there. While in Florida, we assist in raising funds for summer camping "scholarships" for prisoners' children. We do a backpacking trip with our son's family. We also attended international robotics championships in three of the past four years to watch our grandsons' team compete.
- There are too many travel stories to relate, but our locations since retirement include: Australia/New Zealand, Tahiti, China, Russia, South America, Canadian Rockies, Egypt, French Waterways River Cruise, Norway, Rhine/Mosel River Cruise, Danube River Cruise, and we've been to all the U.S. states!
- My travel includes four trips for a total of six months in a truck camper to: Yukon (one month), American Southwest (four months), and the Adirondacks (one month). I also traveled for five months total to: France, Bahamas, Canada, Abu Dhabi, Doha, and Nepal (three months).
- I regularly go to Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada to hike, kayak, swim, and bird watch. I did this with my late sister for years and now just by myself. I went recently to the Four Corners region of the USA and visited ancient indigenous ruins and natural wonders (and bird watched)! With a travel company and small group, I visited Machu Picchu, Peru, parts of Ecuador, and the Galapagos Islands. I went on a special bird watching trip to Costa Rica with a small group of the Cayuga Bird Club, run by a travel company that specializes in bird trips. I go to Florida a few times a year to visit family and to go off on my own to watch birds.
- I have done outdoor and adventure/service travel in the U.S., Canada, and Central and South America.
- My husband and I are motorcyclists and Corvette owners. We have volunteered for many years as tour leaders at a major motorcycle rally in Lake George/Adirondacks. (I ride my own Honda Goldwing, along with my husband who also owns and rides a Honda Goldwing.) We took a cruise to Nova Scotia. We have traveled with the Glen Regional Corvette Club through the eastern United States. We are active volunteers in several related organizations.
- I have traveled independently in the U.S., Canada, and Europe—particularly in London as I am developing a course on the history of London.
- I traveled with a friend who also retired from CU. I have gone on vacation in France, England, Ireland, and Scotland, and taken a Caribbean cruise. All were wonderful trips. I also have three children in different states—Virginia; Boston, MA; and San Diego, CA—and visiting them is a chance to tour the USA.
- My wife and I have a home in Jamaica where we spend five months in the winter. Each summer we travel the USA, going to the Pyrotechnics Guild International (PGI) convention and attending other events. Several years ago I flew to Thailand for a three-week pyro holiday.
- I returned to Ithaca for a visit while on the East Coast to take in our son's curated exhibition at the Morgan Library in NYC. I traveled to London, France, and Spain with family.
- I visited Sicily, drove cross-country to visit family and settle my childhood home in California, visited a coastal area with elephant seals, and hiked in the redwoods.
- My wife and I were invited by former Japanese students to spend a week in Japan, as their guests. I spend a week each spring in Florida to see spring training baseball games.
- I took a trip to Yale (where I did my postdoctoral work from 1973-75) and Cornell. I also come to the U.S. every Christmas to visit friends in Ohio. Outside of that, I have combined work and vacation in trips to France, Germany, and Spain.
- My travel includes: an interfaith trip to Israel, trips to Denmark to see family, and trips to Florida and Canada to see family.
- I typically travel associated with work, which I much prefer to tourist travel. This year, I will have been teaching in Shanghai for five weeks. My travel includes a week in Montreal, U.S. travel including my 50th college reunion in Pittsburgh, NIMH in Silver Spring, San Diego, Santa Fe, and NYC (three times), a week in the UK, and in Japan.
- I was on phased retirement and have worked very little since spring of 2018, although my official retirement date was January 1, 2019. Since spring 2018, I have been to North Carolina, the West Coast five times, Mexico, Amsterdam, and Miami twice.
- I have traveled Route 1 from Seattle to San Francisco, and visited many places including national parks, Jamaica, Niagara Falls, Alaska, Tennessee, Block Island, and the Caribbean.
- My travel includes: South Korea, China, Ireland, Amsterdam to Budapest River cruise, France (upcoming), plus numerous cross-country trips to California with visits to national parks included.
- I have traveled to Europe—Amsterdam, Bruges, Prague, Salzburg, and Germany, and in the USA—California and North Carolina.
- We traveled throughout NYS, drove across the U.S. visiting national parks and landmarks, and spent seven weeks in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa—experiencing life there, driving up-country, going on a safari, and visiting other wildlife preserves.
- My husband and I have traveled with our children in the U.S., notably to Yellowstone, and Glacier and Grand Canyon National Parks. We also visited southern Italy and Sicily on our own.
- I hiked a section of the Cornwall Coast Path with two retired European friends. I spent six weeks in California to shorten the Ithaca winter. I traveled to my 50-year college class reunion.
- I have been to Italy and done extensive USA travel.
- I have done extensive travel in the U.S. and taken a Baltic cruise.
- I visited family in Rome, Italy and a friend in New Mexico.
- I have taken three trips to India and two to Europe since retirement—for travel, to see relatives, and to do volunteer work. I have taken many trips to NYC to see friends and attend exhibitions, and have also gone to other places to see relatives.
- I traveled to Arizona (12 days in October 2018) and Sabah (12 days in November 2018).
- I took a six-week road trip across the southern U.S. with my husband with some camping along the way. I took a three-week trip to Malaysia on a birding tour.
- I have been to Costa Rica, New Zealand, Australia, Israel, and Galapagos, as well as smaller trips in the U.S.
- I retired on January 1, 2019 and have traveled to Miami and Key Biscayne, FL; to Bogotá and Cali, Colombia, including surrounding countryside in Colombia; as well as around NY State. I will be traveling to NYC for a short vacation with my daughter.
- My travel basically consists of regularly visiting my sons and their families (eight grandkids!) in New York, Massachusetts, and North Carolina and my family in England. I've had three other amazing trips: Lebanon and Syria—a driving trip with two Arabic speaking friends (2010, pre-Syrian civil war); Toledo, Spain for a nephew's wedding (2014); and Majorca for another wedding (2018).
- I have spent spring break in Florida with my children and attended a family reunion in Europe.
- I have mostly traveled to Costa Rica to volunteer (and relax a bit!) and to South Dakota to tend to an aging parent.
- We go to Oakland, CA to visit our son's family every year. We went to Jamaica four times and to Spain once.
- I take day trips throughout the state when the weather permits. I have traveled to Europe with my husband, children, and their families.
- I previously wintered in Myrtle Beach for about 12 years, but haven't done so in the last two years. I have traveled to the Outer Banks with my daughter and her family; visited family in Wisconsin; traveled to Savannah, GA and Edisto Island, SC; and cruised to the Bahamas for a destination wedding.
- I spent two months in Europe—a month and a half in England and two weeks in Spain. I have taken trips to Texas, Arizona, and California; visited Civil War battlefields in the Eastern U.S.; and spent extended stays in DC, NYC, the Berkshires, Tennessee, etc.
- I have gone on several trips with bird-watching groups in Latin America and Africa (non-Cornell), a trip to the Galapagos (Cornell-associated), and private trips in Europe and the USA.
- My travel includes: cruises to Alaska and Hawaii with a group, Dominican Republic with a group, various trips to Florida for a fraternal and social group, and group travel across New York to support our organization's nursing home and assisted living facilities and research facility at Utica, NY.
- I have traveled around the U.S.—biking, hiking, and educational touring. I've gone to England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Italy, and Spain. There is more to see and do!
- I have had the chance to visit several countries in Europe, besides several places in the USA, such as Boston, Cape Cod, Manhattan, etc.
- I spend time visiting siblings in different states within the U.S. I traveled to Singapore to visit friends.
- I have visited Canada (eight times), Italy, Cooperstown (NY), Saratoga Springs (NY), and NYC.
- I've vacationed with my family at Ocean City, MD a couple of times in the past five years. I also went to Orlando, FL for a couple of weeks and recently took a cruise to the Bahamas.
- I traveled to the Badlands in South Dakota and Grand Cayman.
- I have taken family vacations (three to four days) within driving distance from Ithaca, while the kids' school is in recess. I also took a trip to my home country with one of my children to visit my parents there.
- We bought a timeshare, which we regret, although we have traveled to Sedona, AZ; Honolulu, HI; Grand Cayman; Malaga, Spain; Castellammare, Italy; County Clare, Ireland; Cotswolds, England; and Branson, MO.
- My travel is related to my company in the North Country of NYS. I also travel in Europe and the USA to visit family members and former colleagues as well as attend scientific conferences.
- I spend about half my time in Ithaca, where I retain a house, and half my time abroad, where I have another property. I've been doing this for well over ten years and one reason I retired was so that I could continue doing it. Though I no longer teach, I continue to publish, give academic talks, and attend conferences and workshops. I occasionally help graduate students and scholars with their work.
- I take several international trips per year, one cruise per year, and do motorcycle touring.
- I have traveled overseas by cruise ships to other countries. I also have gone on golfing trips organized by a PGA professional. I have traveled by myself in my car.
- We do independent travel, as a couple, to domestic and foreign destinations.
Road Scholar Tours
- We have explored several Latin American countries with Road Scholar groups, and recently returned from two weeks in Japan.
- I have taken 21 trips with Road Scholar and a river cruise with Grand Circle.
- I went on a cruise in the Mediterranean with Road Scholar. The tour was well organized and educational. They now own the ship which holds 350 people maximum.
- With Road Scholar I have gone hiking in Zion, canoeing the Yukon River in Canada, sea kayaking off the coast of British Columbia, canoeing the Missouri River in Montana, and birding in Costa Rica. I have gone canoe camping a couple of times in the Adirondacks with a friend and the same in Algonquin Provincial Park. I crossed country skied for a week in Yellowstone this past winter.
- I especially enjoy the Road Scholar programs—they are a wonderful combination of learning, traveling, and meeting interesting people.
- I have taken two trips with Road Scholar: a five-day hiking trip in Rocky Mountain National Park in August 2018, and a two-week trip to Myanmar in January 2019. I have also traveled with Odyssey (Cornell Alumni group) to Croatia in April 2019.
- We love Road Scholar and have been on five of their trips. We also rent a house for a month each winter in Sanibel, FL, and spend a lot of time in New Orleans where our daughter lives.
- I have done a Road Scholar program in Minneapolis and a CAU (Cornell's Adult University) theater weekend in New York City.
- I went to Cuba with Road Scholar.
- My trips include: 2015 Balkans, Road Scholar 2016 Basal to Amsterdam, Viking Cruise 2017, Canadian Rockies, Road Scholar 2018 Northwest USA, Running Strong Indian trip 2019, and Baja California, Road Scholar.
- I have taken several tours in the U.S. and overseas with Road Scholar (Elderhostel) groups.
- I have gone on many trips with Road Scholar.
- My mother, sister, and I have enjoyed traveling with Road Scholar on a cruise on the Mississippi and a side trip to New Orleans. We have also traveled with a seniors' groups to Michigan (Mackinaw Island), a trip to Maine, a trip to Virginia Beach for a military tattoo, and a trip to Savanna, GA and Charleston, SC.
- The "group-affiliated" travel we've undertaken has been with Road Scholar. Other than that, we've gone on road trips and traveled making our own arrangements, including trips to Massachusetts, NYC, and Ontario.
- I have found that Road Scholar (formerly Elderhostel) is variable in program quality, depending on the location. Since taking over the program from Elderhostel, it has gone up in cost, exceeding the cost of living.
Cornell Alumni Association Tours
- I love traveling with the Alumni Association travel group, and have reconnected with alumni and met many new alumni friends. Italy was my favorite trip!
- I very much enjoyed a trip to Italy with the Cornell Alumni Travel Program. The staff in Alumni Affairs was helpful; the travel agency they used was invaluable and took care of many details. Not only did I travel with some alumni friends I worked with while at Cornell, but I also made many new alumni friends. This was a trip of a lifetime and I have referred many other friends.
- My husband—an alum and a recent Cornell retiree—went to Poland in July 2019 with the Cornell Alumni Association Travel Program.
- I went on a tour of England with the Cornell Alumni Association group.
- I traveled several times with the Cornell Alumni Association Travel Program. I traveled internationally a lot.
Other Tour Groups
- We have taken a number of trips with Overseas Adventure Travel.
- We traveled with Overseas Adventure Travel to China for a three-week trip. We took an ill-fated cruise to South America. My husband had a health issue on day three and we had to disembark and have an operation in Panama City, Panama. We also travel to Boston, the Berkshires, back to Ithaca, and to the DC area, on occasion.
- I went on an Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) trip.
- I have enjoyed travel through organizations like Viking Cruises, Road Scholars, and Overseas Adventure Travel. I find the trips sponsored by Cornell's Adult University (CAU) of interest, but cost prohibitive.
- I have traveled with Veterinary Expeditions, Equitour (riding in India), Overseas Adventure Travel, and Wild Planet Adventures.
- As a couple, we've traveled to Hawaii and Alaska. In the fall, we plan to fly to Las Vegas and travel through Utah to Colorado, visiting family along the way. We typically sign up for group day trips through Koning Tours, a local travel agency, or through the Perinton Senior Center. Recent day trips included a trip to the Corning Museum of Glass, a trip to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology with a guided tour of the Arboretum, a trip to the Cortland Repertory Theater, and upcoming trips to various museums or theaters. Last year we traveled with Koning to Toronto to watch a Blue Jays vs. Yankees baseball game. Koning Tours also arranges multiple-day trips which we've taken to Mackinac Island and to San Antonio.
- I travel with the Enfield Seniors, AAA, and Swarthout Tours.
- I've joined multiple senior groups and taken a few bus trips with them. I wish I could find more trips within New York State to gardens, parks, hikes, etc., since I find it hard to drive a few hours each way and still enjoy the day's adventures.
- I have taken senior citizen trips in NYS and New England.
- I took a multiple-day trip with Lifelong to Michigan. My daughter (a current Cornell employee) and I went to Grand Cayman.
- I have done one trip with the Campus Club (Syracuse History Museum), a few trips with Lifelong (State Fair), and multiple trips with GIAC (plays, museums, Stickley, the monastery, parks, and music events).
- I have done one-day bus tours and gone hiking on the Finger Lakes Trail.
- I have taken one-day and multi-day trips with the Trumansburg Senior Citizens.
- I traveled with Cornell retirees to Canada.
- I am a snowbird, so I go south for three months and do day trips in Florida with a group from the camp where I reside. I also do trips with local seniors to such places as: Skaneateles, live theater shows, local gambling places, Corning Museum of Glass, and local parks for picnics.
- I travel frequently on the Q-country radio station annual trips, usually to tropical resorts.
- I travel with a watercolor group and do "painting in plain air" (painting outdoors). I also travel with a quilt history study group.
- I went on a tour bus trip to see a Light and Sound religious show in Pennsylvania. I went on a bus trip with a senior group to Cortland to visit a country music show.
- I travel with vacation companies, ocean cruises, river cruises, and a senior travel group.
Cruising, Sailing, Camping, RVing, Adventure Travel
- My wife and I traveled on a Viking Riverboat Cruise in the spring of 2018 that was given to us by our son in honor of our 50th wedding anniversary. We traveled from Switzerland to Paris. This was a fantastic trip, and we plan to take another one in 2020. We think Viking is the best riverboat company ever: the accommodations, food, and service can't be matched by any other company.
- I have traveled with Viking Riverboat tours throughout the world. I also went on an international concert tour with a British festival choir.
- A couple of years ago I took a steamboat cruise from St. Louis to Nashville with a group from my residence, Ann's Choice. This was my second Mississippi cruise—the first was over a decade ago and was a Cornell- sponsored trip from New Orleans to Memphis.
- I took the Queen Mary to England then went across the English Channel.
- I went to Galapagos with Haugan Cruises on a 16-passenger catamaran: I strongly recommended this trip.
- My travel includes: a Rhine River cruise, Atlantic crossing, two visits to France, a trip to Scotland and Ireland, Mexico, and Florida.
- I do ocean cruising—and have visited almost every Caribbean island, Alaska, and Great Britain.
- I took an Alaska cruise with my husband's Navy reunion group for the ship Decatur that they were stationed on. We went from Seattle to ports along the Alaska Coast—and saw beautiful scenery. We traveled for three weeks driving all over England, Scotland, and Wales—and even found the remains of the McIntosh castle in Scotland.
- I went on a cruise to the Maritime Provinces of Canada. I travel to Kahnawake (Quebec, Canada) for an annual powwow.
- We have done lots of cruises—mainly in winter to the Caribbean. I've been to Florida a few times with family. I love to come back to Ithaca!
- My travel includes several cruises, road trips to western states, and living in FL during the winter months.
- I have traveled on a cruise through the Panama Canal, Alaska, and the Caribbean. I've been on several bus adventures to the Midwest, the West Coast, and the South. Alaska was truly beautiful. It was a land/sea cruise. There are still many more places in the United States I hope to travel to.
- I took a Tauck cruise.
- I went on a Rhine River trip.
- I like to travel on cruises that have an educational component.
- I travel on a refurbished fishing boat in the Hebrides. I went to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival to Paris and Strasbourg to visit a former CU student.
- We spent 15 years cruising each summer on our sailboat in the Pacific Northwest including the Canadian coast.
- I prefer to travel independently. I enjoy extended cruising in my sailboat and traveling abroad.
- I have lived aboard my schooner since I retired and have sailed the Eastern Seaboard, and I have visited Cuba.
- I have been living on a sailboat during the winter months and traveling throughout the Caribbean.
- I have cruised to Puerto Rico and other islands and camped at Old Forge, Alexandria Bay, and Outer Banks.
- My travel includes: going to annual professional meetings, visiting family all over the country, taking a schooner cruise, and sailing with my spouse in the Intracoastal Waterway.
- My husband and I have traveled all over the U.S. in our motorhome. We've enjoyed many national parks and seashores and national forests as well as more remote areas in the Southwest where we boondocked in the desert. We also traveled with a group on an RV Caravan into Mexico, camping on the Sea of Cortez. One of the highlights of our travel adventures was a month-long trip to Australia where we visited several cities. It was an extraordinary experience to spend time in Sydney, Melbourne, Alice Springs, Kangaroo Island, and other cities on a fly-drive vacation. Because we stayed in Airbnbs, we got to meet local people and stay in a variety of places—from a cottage in Sydney to a sheep farm on Kangaroo Island to a hotel in the Outback near Ayers Rock. It was an amazing experience!
- I am an avid RVer. We travel by motorhome throughout the U.S. and Canada. We have traveled the length of both coasts in the U.S. We are currently planning a trip that will take us through all of the Gulf Coast states from Florida to Texas along the Mexican border to California.
- We love to camp with our RV from May through October locally, within NYS, and along the eastern coast. We also like to take at least one cruise a year—recent cruises have been to Bermuda, Bahamas, and we will be traveling to the Panama Canal this coming October (2019).
- My spouse and I are enjoying the ability to travel either by car or RV across the U.S., as well as booking cruises to explore new destinations. We are no longer restricted by the length of time for our travel. This enables us to extend a trip if we decide, add new destinations, and enjoy making new friends. The flexibility of our trips is wonderful!
- We have an RV and travel only in the USA. However, I have been to Israel, Greece, Cancun, Mexico, Turkey, England, and Scotland.
- I went on two cruises in the past year: Eastern Caribbean and Western Caribbean. I went with family and friends. I travel south in the winter with my spouse for 4+ months in our RV. We stop in Myrtle Beach for a week then head to Florida for four months and visit family there, then back to Myrtle Beach for two weeks in April, and then home to NYS. We met so many new friends last year that we already made reservations to go back to the same places next year and will also try some new cities/campgrounds. At home we take a few shorter trips (for a week or long weekend) with friends in the spring/summer/fall around NYS. In the past few years, we've also gone on camping trips to Maryland, Virginia, and Tennessee.
- We took a Disney Cruise with our family. We have a 5th wheel camper so we camp about one week each month someplace in the Northeast. We traveled through New England in our Mazda Miata with the top down.
- My travel includes: an Alaska cruise, canoe trips to Canada, backpacking parts of the Appalachian Trail, and camping around NYS.
- My husband and I purchased a camper van (21' RV) and have taken two cross-country trips in it to date. The first was a month-long trip to the Southwest with our little dog in the fall of 2017. The second was a five- week RV vacation cross country and to Nova Scotia.
- I did the Oregon Trail by RV last summer and Alaska this summer.
- Since retiring, we have spent over six months each year on the road in our motorhome. Our trips have included a trip to California, Yellowstone, Florida Keys, and Prince Edward Island in Canada.
- We travel in an RV in the summer in the Northeast and to Florida for three to five months during the winter.
- I camped in an RV from NYS to Washington State.
- We travel to multiple NASCAR events in our RV.
- In 2016, I spent 200 days and 9,000 miles in a motorhome visiting national parks and monuments. In 2017- 18, I spent four months in an RV in Mission, TX. In 2018-19, I wintered in Mission, TX again.
- My wife and I have taken a couple of driving trips to the western U.S. in an RV built in a minivan. Last summer I was fortunate enough to summit Mt. Rainier and the Grand Teton (a 40-year dream) with my son.
- We traveled in an RV to visit various relatives, but not for long periods of time. We have various pets that need attention daily, so we need to make arrangements for any long periods away for home.
- My husband had a goal of visiting all of the national parks. We went to quite a few, but eventually settled on spending two weeks every summer hiking in Glacier National Park in Montana. Each summer we are joined by our children and grandchildren (a different set each year) for this vacation.
- We do a grandparent and grandchild (intergenerational) camp travel to hike and kayak in different areas.
- I became an Adirondack 46er (a member of a hiking and service club, whose members have climbed the summits of the 46 peaks over 4,000 feet in elevation in the Adirondack Mountains of northern New York State). I do hiking, climbing, and camping in other states and national parks.
- We go tent camping usually a couple of times a year to the Adirondacks, Maine, and New Hampshire. We spend two weeks in cabins near Algonquin Park in Canada and on Cobscook Bay in Maine.
- I travel to backpacking sites to backpack—Adirondack Mountains, Arizona, and Kentucky.
- I went rafting with OARS Company down the Yampa River in the Dinosaur National Monument last June.
- I spend time camping and hiking in the U.S. and Canadian National Parks.
- I have hiked Mont Blanc and Hadrian's Wall.
- I hiked the Pennine Way in England—280 miles.
- I have gone on treks to Bhutan, Mongolia, Patagonia and Greenland, in part for adventure and in part to see contemporary glaciation.
- My wife and I take four or five 7-to-14 day trips per year for sightseeing, hiking, and mountain climbing.
- My wife and I have hiked in the Swiss Alps, New Zealand, and Bhutan; bicycled on multi-day trips in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and West Virginia; and bicycled across southern Sicily. Among other trips, we have traveled to India, Galapagos, Chile (including Easter Island), Spain, and multiple countries in Africa (including a train trip across South Africa and Zimbabwe to Botswana).
- Our travel includes mostly camping across the U.S. and Canada for several months at a time. This winter we camped in various Florida state parks for two months. We have also taken a Cornell trip to St. Petersburg, Russia; Elderhostel trips to the Oregon coast and a dulcimer camp in Kentucky; and trips to Spain, Hawaii, and the Caribbean.
- I spend time camping in the Adirondacks, bow hunting for a week at our camp in Pennsylvania, winter stays in Florida, and ocean fishing.
Other Comments about Travel
- I am exploring the world as I dreamed before marriage and career commitments—by convertible, cruise ship, train, horse, and mule.
- I travel to photograph birds.
- I am involved in birding activities, including foreign birding trips, writing articles, and photography.
- I travel to see family, old friends, old colleagues, and to visit other institutions. I have taken photography workshops.
- I take a yearly trip to our dog breeder to reunite with other people who have purchased dogs from the same breeder.
- I travel to attend scientific meetings, to see family members, and to pursue interests in the arts.
- It has been great to revisit with friends at meetings in other countries and participate in scientific programs.
- I travel by car to various locations with a sports car club.
- I enjoy visiting museums and galleries.
- I travel for family weddings, reunions, and significant occasions.
- I travel to high school reunions and to visit relatives.
- I travel with high school friends from Ohio.
- We visited a few law schools.
- I've been a "snowbird."
- I travel to my second home by the sea.
- I visit family and go camping with friends.
- I have limited time to travel, so I engage in weekend visits to my grandchildren (beach and ski resort) as well as nearby ice dance weekend workshops.
- I go to music festivals. I went camping up until last year, when it became too difficult for my husband. Now we stay at motels.
- Most of my travel is to visit family, attend graduations of my grandchildren, and see friends.
- Nearly all of my travel was for family gatherings to maximize travel arrangements and time off work in order to attend several parties.